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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2021, Vol. 5 Issue (12): 25-36    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.0524
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Matching Model for Technology Supply and Demand Texts Based on Multi-Layer Semantic Similarity
Li Gang,Yu Hui,Mao Jin()
Center for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
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[Objective] This paper proposes a new high-accuracy-model, aiming to improve the matching of technology supply and demand texts and promote technology transfer. [Methods] First, we separated the titles and texts as two structure levels. Then, we calculated the word similarity and sentence similarity through a variety of methods. Finally, we constructed a Multi-layer Semantic Text Matching (MSTM) model based on multi-layer semantic similarity and the deep learning model. [Results] We found that different level of information yielded different matching results. The accuracy of MSTM was 96.50%, which was higher than single BERT (90.70%), DSSM (87.80%), and ESIM (87.50%). [Limitations] Our new model only considers two levels of text structures. [Conclusions] This new model can help online technology trading services match supply and demand, as well as promote technology transfer.

Key wordsTechnological Text for Supply and Demand      Supply and Demand Matching      Technology Transfer      Data Fusion     
Received: 25 May 2021      Published: 20 January 2022
ZTFLH:  G201  
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(71921002);National Key R&D Program of China(2018YFB1404300)
Corresponding Authors: Mao Jin,ORCID:0000-0001-9572-6709     E-mail:

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Li Gang, Yu Hui, Mao Jin. Matching Model for Technology Supply and Demand Texts Based on Multi-Layer Semantic Similarity. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2021, 5(12): 25-36.

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Multi-layer Semantic Text Matching Model
匹配度 含义 数量 占比 累计占比
1 不相关 3 301 44.75% 44.75%
2 弱相关 3 157 42.80% 87.55%
3 较强相关 662 8.98% 96.53%
4 强相关 256 3.74% 100.00%
总和 - 7 376 100.00% 100.00%
Data Set Matching Degree and Proportion Distribution
层(类型) 输出形状 参数
dense(Dense) (None, 64) 832
dense_1(Dense) (None, 32) 2 080
dense_2(Dense) (None, 5) 165
Summary of Information Fusion Model
方法 标题级 正文级 标题级+正文级
四分类 二分类 四分类 二分类 四分类 二分类
词共现 55.49% 87.80% 47.56% 87.06% 56.57% 88.01%
词语义 52.85% 87.60% 46.88% 87.47% 53.73% 88.28%
BERT 85.91% 94.17% 83.74% 94.31% 89.23% 95.87%
共现+语义 56.44% 88.28% 48.51% 87.87% 56.98% 88.82%
共现+BERT 86.31% 93.70% 84.55% 95.39% 89.36% 95.87%
语义+BERT 86.92% 93.29% 84.69% 94.58% 89.02% 96.00%
共现+语义+BERT 87.80% 93.90% 85.37% 95.12% 89.50% 96.48%
Accuracy Comparison of Multi-Layer Semantic Information Fusion Results
层次 标题级 正文级 标题级+正文级
BERT 91.10% 90.10% 90.70%
DSSM 87.70% 87.80% 87.80%
ESIM 87.50% 87.50% 87.50%
MSTM 93.90% 95.10% 96.50%
MSTM vs. Baseline Accuracy
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