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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2021, Vol. 5 Issue (12): 88-97    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.0643
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Automatic Detection and Recognition of Oracle Rubbings Based on Mask R-CNN
Liu Fang1,2,3,Li Huabiao1,4(),Ma Jin5,Yan Sheng5,Jin Peiran5
1National Museum of China, Beijing 100006, China
2National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
3Department of Library, Information and Archives Management, School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
4Key Laboratory of Collection Resources Revitalising Technology, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Beijing 100006, China
5Tianjin Hengda Wenbo S&T Co., Ltd, Tianjin 300384, China
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[Objective] This paper applies the deep learning algorithm to automatically detect and recognize Oracle rubbings, aiming to improve the research and promotion of traditional culture. [Methods] Based on the Mask R-CNN algorithm, we used the three-tuple loss function and rotation angle regression technique to optimize and improve the accuracy of Oracle character classification. [Results] We examined our model with training datasets of Oracle Rubbing Images. The recall of Oracle characters reached 82%, and the detection and identification accuracy reached 95%, which met the expectations of the project. [Limitations] For the severe damaged or ambiguous texts, the performance of our new algorithm needs to be improved. [Conclusions] The proposed model has many practical values and could be further polished.

Key wordsOracle Rubbings      Mask R-CNN      Automatic Detection      Automatic Recognition     
Received: 29 June 2021      Published: 20 January 2022
ZTFLH:  G250  
Fund:Information Development Project of Cultural, Artistic and Tourism Research(MCT2020XZ12)
Corresponding Authors: Li Huabiao,ORCID:0000-0003-4336-0287     E-mail:

Cite this article:

Liu Fang, Li Huabiao, Ma Jin, Yan Sheng, Jin Peiran. Automatic Detection and Recognition of Oracle Rubbings Based on Mask R-CNN. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2021, 5(12): 88-97.

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Overall Technical Route
Data Acquisition and Labeling
分类 学者 算法类型 特点
传统方法 刘永革等[21] SVM 采用分块直方图的方式提取甲骨文的特征形态
周新伦等[22] 迪卡尔直角坐标 抽取甲骨文的端点、差点、块、孔作为拓扑特征
吕肖庆等[23] 曲率直方图 结合整体统计结果和局部曲率计算甲骨文字的特征向量
基于深度学习的方法 鲁绪正等[24] Capsule 将甲骨文同时拆解成多个构件进行识别
邢济慈[25] YOLOv3 文字自动定位,单字自动检测识别
徐贵良[26] YOLOv2 甲骨文构件自动检测识别
Oracle Identification Study Case
The Main Algorithm Architecture of Oracle Rubbings Detection and Recognition
均值 检测性能 识别性能
R P F1 R P F1
0.913 9 0.971 8 0.939 4 0.902 7 0.958 6 0.927 4
0.898 9 0.982 8 0.939 0 0.882 0 0.964 3 0.921 3
Statistics of Oracle Rubbings Retrieval and Recognition
算法 检测性能 识别性能
R P F1 R P F1
Faster R-CNN 0.370 7 0.819 3 0.510 5 0.167 5 0.369 7 0.230 5
本文算法 0.785 3 0.948 4 0.854 4 0.566 6 0.668 3 0.610 0
Performance Comparison Analysis with Faster R-CNN
训练样本 阶段训练 本次训练
训练数据集 人工标注拓片数量 500张 3 300张
甲骨文字符类别 499个 831个
甲骨文字符个数 约8 000个 约40 000个
样本分布 极度不均衡,个别类别只有一个样本 不均衡,个别类别样本较少
数据增广方式 随机缩放、旋转、透视、亮度、剪切变换;拓片拟真
训练参数 训练回合数 45 887
每回合训练次数 4 000 2 000
每次训练样本数 4 1
训练结果 甲骨文字符检测准确率 77% 98%
甲骨文字符识别准确率 64% 96%
Comparative Analysis of the Two Model Training Data
Oracle Tablets Retrieval and Identification Test Case
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