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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (2/3): 298-307    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.0973
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Identifying Moves from Scientific Abstracts Based on Paragraph-BERT-CRF
Guo Hangcheng,He Yanqing(),Lan Tian,Wu Zhenfeng,Dong Cheng
Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038, China
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[Objective] This paper tries to automatically identify the moves from scientific paper abstracts, aiming to find the purpose, method, results, and conclusion of the paper. It also helps readers quickly receive main contents of the literature and conduct semantic retrieval. [Methods] We proposed a neural network model for abstract move recognition based on the Paragraph-BERT-CRF framework, which fully uses the context information. We also added the attention mechanism and the transfer relationship between sequence move labels. [Results] We examined our model with 94,456 abstracts of scientific papers. The weighted average precision, recall and F1 values were 97.45%, 97.44% and 97.44%, respectively. Compared with the ablation experimental results of CRF, BiLSTM, BiLSTM-CRF, BERT, BERT-CRF and Paragraph-BERT, our new model is effective. [Limitations] We only used the basic BERT-based pre-trained language model. More research is needed to optimize the model parameters and add more pre-trained language model in the recognition of move information. [Conclusions] Attention mechanism and paragraph level contextual information can effectively improve the proposed model’s inference scores and identify move information from abstracts.

Key wordsRhetorical Moves      Self-Attention Mechanism      Paragraph Context      BERT     
Received: 01 September 2021      Published: 28 February 2022
ZTFLH:  TP391  
Fund:Key Project of Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China(ZD2021-17);Innovation Research Fund General Project of Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China(MS2021-03);Innovation Research Fund Youth Project of Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China(QN2021-12)
Corresponding Authors: He Yanqing,ORCID:0000-0002-8791-1581     E-mail:

Cite this article:

Guo Hangcheng, He Yanqing, Lan Tian, Wu Zhenfeng, Dong Cheng. Identifying Moves from Scientific Abstracts Based on Paragraph-BERT-CRF. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(2/3): 298-307.

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The Overall Framework
Input Representation of Moves Structure Recognition Model
Paragraph-BERT-CRF Module
Example of Raw Text of Structured Abstracts
标签 含义
B-purpose 目的语步开始标签
I-purpose 目的语步内部标签
B-method 方法语步开始标签
I-method 方法语步内部标签
B-result 结果语步开始标签
I-result 结果语步内部标签
B-conclusion 结论语步开始标签
I-conclusion 结论语步内部标签
O 外部标签
Label Systems
参数 参数
algorithm 'lbfgs' c1 0.1
all_possible_states False c2 0.05
all_possible_transitions True max_iterations 50
averaging True verbose True
Hyperparameter Settings of CRF
参数 参数
word_emb_dim 300 learning_rate 0.0003
char_emb_dim 300 lr_decay 0.05
word_seq_feature LSTM l2 regularization 1e-8
bilstm True optimizer SGD
use_crf True iteration 30
ave_batch_loss True batch_size 50
Hyperparameter Settings of BiLSTM-CRF
参数 参数
require_improvement 1 000 batch_size 8
num_epochs 5 pad_size 512
learning_rate 5e-5 use_crf True
Hyperparameter Settings of BERT-CRF
参数 参数
train_max_seq_length 512 learning_rate 3e-5
eval_max_seq_length 512 crf_learning_rate 1e-3
per_gpu_train_batch_size 16 num_train_epochs 3
per_gpu_eval_batch_size 16 overwrite_output_dir True
Hyperparameter Settings of Paragraph-BERT-CRF
精确率P 召回率R F1 样本数support
“目的”语步 0.982 9 0.982 1 0.982 5 9 446
“方法”语步 0.991 1 0.973 1 0.982 0 9 445
“结果”语步 0.963 9 0.970 1 0.967 0 9 430
“结论”语步 0.960 1 0.972 1 0.966 1 9 428
加权平均值 0.974 5 0.974 4 0.974 4 37 749
Experimental Results of Paragraph-BERT-CRF
模型 验证集 测试集
精确率P 召回率R F1 精确率P 召回率R F1
CRF 0.686 0 0.717 1 0.701 0 0.683 0 0.709 0 0.695 1
BiLSTM 0.732 0 0.763 1 0.747 0 0.711 0 0.688 0 0.699 1
BiLSTM-CRF 0.747 0 0.774 1 0.760 0 0.724 0 0.701 0 0.712 1
BERT 0.960 5 0.960 4 0.960 1 0.959 8 0.960 3 0.960 1
BERT-CRF 0.967 6 0.967 4 0.967 4 0.965 6 0.966 2 0.966 2
Paragraph-BERT 0.973 1 0.972 5 0.972 5 0.971 4 0.971 9 0.971 9
Paragraph-BERT-CRF 0.975 2 0.973 1 0.973 1 0.974 5 0.974 4 0.974 4
Experimental Results of Different Models
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