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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (5): 34-43    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.0958
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Item Categorization Algorithm Based on Improved Text Representation
Tu Zhenchao,Ma Jing()
College of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 211106, China
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[Objective] This paper proposes a new model to improve the traditional text classifiers which tend to misclassify commodity titles with different labels and similar modifiers. [Methods] First, we designed the text discriminator as an auxiliary task, which took the normalized Euclidean distance of different label text vectors as the loss function. Then, we utilized the cross-entropy loss function of the traditional text classification to the new text encoder. Finally, we generated text representation with sufficient discrimination for different categories of commodity texts, and constructed the ITR-BiLSTM-Attention model. [Results] Compared with the BiLSTM-Attention model without text discriminator, the proposed model’s accuracy, precision, recall and F1 values improved by 1.84%, 2.31%, 2.88% and 2.82%, respectively. Compared with the Cos-BiLSTM-Attention model, our new model improved accuracy, precision, recall and F1 values by 0.53%, 0.54%, 1.21% and 1.01%, respectively. [Limitations] The impacts of different sampling methods on the model were not tested. We did not conduct experiment on a larger data set. [Conclusions] The text discriminator auxiliary task designed in this paper can improve the text representation generated by the text encoder. The item categorization model based on improved text representation was more effective than the traditional ones.

Key wordsText Classification      Text Representation      Multitasking Learning      Metric Learning      Item Categorization     
Received: 07 July 2021      Published: 21 June 2022
ZTFLH:  TP391  
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(72174086)
Corresponding Authors: Ma Jing,ORCID: 0000-0001-8472-2581     E-mail:

Cite this article:

Tu Zhenchao, Ma Jing. Item Categorization Algorithm Based on Improved Text Representation. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(5): 34-43.

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Framework of ITR-BiLSTM-Attention
商品文本 类别
宝宝 周岁 百天 生日 儿童 生日派对 铝膜 气球 装饰用品 气球
夏天 凉 拖鞋 居家 情侣 地板 防滑 软底 洗澡 浴室 拖鞋 拖鞋
斑点 印花 领结 系带 长袖 衬衫 女 直筒 显瘦 套头 罩衫 罩衫
天然 孔雀石 手链 佛珠 手链 新款 手链
定制 欧美 时尚 百搭 戴 项链 锁骨 链 项链
新品 秋季 新款 时尚 通勤 直身 飘 带领 长袖 女士 白衬衫 衬衫
防 暴雨 帐篷 户外 人 家庭 人 情侣 双人 露营 帐篷 帐篷
新款 女装 民族 风 文艺 绣花 飘逸 大裤 摆 裤裙 阔腿裤 阔腿裤
达人 女款 新品 女 亮片 性感 收腰 衣裤 连体 裤 连体裤
演唱会 黑色 墨镜 太阳眼镜 多边形 金属 镂空 男女 近视 墨镜
Part of the Data After Preprocessing
参数名 参数值
LSTM的hidden_size 64
Batch_size 128
Epoch 20
Optimizer Adam
Dropout 0.25
Learning Rate 0.001
δ 0.35
Parameter Setting
模型 Acc P R F1
TextCNN 67.85% 61.10% 58.04% 57.98%
TextRCNN 92.61% 91.49% 89.89% 90.09%
BiLSTM-Attention 92.31% 90.59% 89.50% 89.32%
ITR-TextCNN 68.01% 61.69% 58.45% 58.32%
ITR-TextRCNN 92.73% 91.39% 89.87% 89.91%
ITR-BiLSTM-Attention 94.15% 92.90% 92.38% 92.14%
Cos-BiLSTM-Attention 93.62% 92.36% 91.17% 91.13%
Algorithm Performance
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