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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (5): 64-76    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.0842
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Mining Uninteresting Items with Visibility of User Time Points and Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Method
Shi Lei,Li Shuqing()
College of Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Finance & Economics, Nanjing 210023, China
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[Objective] This paper proposes a new method to improve the collaborative filtering algorithm based on explicit feedbacks, aiming to address data sparsity and user selection bias issues. [Methods] First, we retrieved the negative preferences of users who have seen the items but did not interact with them. Then, we measured the visibility of items along with user activity, item popularity and time factors. Third, we introduced the concept of pre-use preferences to construct a weighted matrix factorization model based on user time point visibility. Finally, we ide.pngied items that users were not interested in, and marked them with low values. [Results] We examined our model with the MovieLens datasets, and found the recommendation accuracy of ItemCF and BiasSVD increased by an average of 2 to 2.5 times. [Limitations] There may be empirical bias in modeling pre-use preferences based on the users’ negative preferences from the “seen-but-not-interacted items”. [Conclusions] The proposed model could effectively reduce the impacts of data sparsity and user selection bias, and make accurate recommendation results.

Key wordsCollaborative Filtering      Explicit Feedback      Selection Bias      Pre-use Preference      Uninteresting Items     
Received: 12 August 2021      Published: 21 June 2022
ZTFLH:  TP393  
Fund:Natural Science Major Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions of China(19KJA510011);Postgraduate Research & Practice Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province(KYCX20_1348)
Corresponding Authors: Li Shuqing,ORCID:0000-0001-9814-5766     E-mail:

Cite this article:

Shi Lei, Li Shuqing. Mining Uninteresting Items with Visibility of User Time Points and Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Method. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(5): 64-76.

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统计数据 MovieLens 100k MovieLens latest
评分总数 100 000 100 836
用户数量 943 610
项目数量 1 682 9 742
稀疏度 93.7% 98.3%
评分时间跨度 1997.09-1998.04 1996.03-2018.09
Description of Dataset
评分 MovieLens 100k MovieLens latest
低评分(1和2) 17.48% 13.41%
高评分(3、4和5) 82.52% 86.59%
Rating Distribution
评价指标 ItemCF Bias
RZF+ ItemCF RZF+ Bias
P@5 0.061 2 0.064 5 0.053 3 0.061 4 0.142 5 0.140 2
P@10 0.057 4 0.057 3 0.052 3 0.053 4 0.114 3 0.109 0
P@20 0.048 6 0.045 9 0.045 3 0.042 6 0.086 3 0.082 0
R@5 0.046 2 0.056 6 0.048 5 0.053 0 0.159 0 0.166 2
R@10 0.093 8 0.093 1 0.094 5 0.091 9 0.243 6 0.249 6
R@20 0.172 4 0.159 4 0.172 7 0.152 9 0.354 3 0.363 9
NDCG@5 0.071 9 0.077 4 0.063 0 0.076 0 0.193 8 0.189 3
NDCG@10 0.083 8 0.085 1 0.077 9 0.084 6 0.212 6 0.206 8
NDCG@20 0.108 3 0.104 8 0.103 1 0.101 9 0.246 2 0.242 0
Recommendation Accuracy in MovieLens 100k
评价指标 ItemCF Bias
P@5 0.042 9 0.046 2 0.025 9 0.028 5 0.095 2 0.105 9
P@10 0.034 6 0.040 1 0.025 2 0.025 0 0.070 9 0.083 8
P@20 0.027 6 0.032 6 0.020 9 0.022 2 0.054 0 0.063 2
R@5 0.029 1 0.033 5 0.022 1 0.021 2 0.080 5 0.093 2
R@10 0.043 5 0.053 2 0.039 6 0.034 2 0.121 8 0.145 9
R@20 0.069 5 0.088 7 0.060 7 0.059 3 0.169 4 0.208 1
NDCG@5 0.051 4 0.054 6 0.035 5 0.034 4 0.117 7 0.132 1
NDCG@10 0.052 1 0.056 9 0.040 2 0.036 1 0.119 6 0.139 9
NDCG@20 0.058 5 0.065 8 0.047 1 0.043 5 0.132 8 0.157 1
Recommendation Accuracy in MovieLens latest
Score Distribution of EMDP Filling
Influence of Parameters ε
P@5 0.401 7 0.418 4 0.439 0
P@10 0.342 1 0.344 8 0.358 7
P@20 0.272 0 0.268 8 0.287 1
R@5 0.147 1 0.149 4 0.158 2
R@10 0.235 2 0.231 2 0.240 4
R@20 0.350 2 0.340 3 0.358 0
NDCG@5 0.428 2 0.446 8 0.469 7
NDCG@10 0.419 0 0.416 3 0.434 5
NDCG@20 0.417 9 0.408 3 0.431 6
Experimental Results of Pre-use Preference Modeling in MovieLens 100k
P@5 0.315 9 0.319 5 0.337 3
P@10 0.272 0 0.270 4 0.281 4
P@20 0.220 6 0.218 4 0.226 4
R@5 0.090 3 0.093 2 0.097 0
R@10 0.152 1 0.151 8 0.154 4
R@20 0.230 2 0.232 9 0.235 2
NDCG@5 0.333 9 0.339 2 0.357 5
NDCG@10 0.314 3 0.312 9 0.328 7
NDCG@20 0.309 8 0.309 3 0.319 4
Experimental Results of Pre-use Preference Modeling in MovieLens latest
使用前偏好 MovieLens 100k MovieLens latest
[0,0.2) 92.64% 97.24%
[0.2,0.4) 5.40% 2.03%
[0.4,0.6) 1.48% 0.52%
[0.6,0.8) 0.38% 0.15%
[0.8,1] 0.10% 0.06%
Pre-use Preference Distribution
Influence of Parameters θ
Influence of Parameters σ
填充评分 P@5
ItemCF BaisSVD
4 0.092 6 0.086 8
5 0.015 2 0.023 6
Results of High Value Filling
P@5 0.061 2 0.064 5 0.188 3 0.213 4 0.142 3 0.186 5 0.178 6
P@10 0.057 4 0.057 3 0.145 6 0.161 6 0.118 3 0.144 0 0.139 2
P@20 0.048 6 0.045 9 0.108 4 0.114 5 0.089 1 0.104 8 0.103 1
R@5 0.046 2 0.056 6 0.204 0 0.248 5 0.166 9 0.215 5 0.209 1
R@10 0.093 8 0.093 1 0.316 4 0.345 4 0.268 6 0.315 6 0.310 4
R@20 0.172 4 0.159 4 0.460 1 0.480 2 0.387 8 0.440 7 0.441 5
NDCG@5 0.071 9 0.077 4 0.246 7 0.303 7 0.193 4 0.258 4 0.247 2
NDCG@10 0.083 8 0.085 1 0.267 8 0.319 5 0.219 9 0.276 7 0.270 0
NDCG@20 0.108 3 0.104 8 0.311 9 0.358 1 0.256 8 0.314 6 0.310 8
Experimental Results of Data Filling in MovieLens 100k
P@5 0.042 9 0.046 2 0.152 2 0.168 5 0.116 7 0.150 3 0.144 8
P@10 0.034 6 0.040 1 0.115 9 0.125 1 0.091 9 0.117 4 0.114 4
P@20 0.027 6 0.032 6 0.091 6 0.094 2 0.071 1 0.088 4 0.087 6
R@5 0.029 1 0.033 5 0.113 6 0.131 7 0.105 7 0.122 1 0.118 9
R@10 0.043 5 0.053 2 0.171 4 0.191 5 0.153 8 0.182 4 0.179 7
R@20 0.069 5 0.088 7 0.262 6 0.282 1 0.228 6 0.255 4 0.268 0
NDCG@5 0.051 4 0.054 6 0.183 9 0.204 5 0.150 8 0.189 5 0.182 0
NDCG@10 0.052 1 0.056 9 0.183 0 0.202 8 0.148 2 0.191 3 0.183 3
NDCG@20 0.058 5 0.065 8 0.206 2 0.224 8 0.168 0 0.207 6 0.205 4
Experimental Results of Data Filling in MovieLens latest
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