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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (5): 99-111    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.0772
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Identifying R&D Teams and Innovations with Patent Collaboration Networks
Guan Peng1,2(),Wang Yuefen2,Fu Zhu3,Jin Jialin2
1School of Economics and Law, Chaohu University, Hefei 238024, China
2School of Management, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China
3School of Economics and Management, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212003, China
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[Objective] This paper tries to ide.pngy technology R&D teams based on the patent holders’ collaboration networks, aiming to analyze factors influencing these teams’ innovations. [Methods] First, we ide.pngied the core R&D personnel and their team members. Then, we used the number of patents as the quantity index of innovation outputs, and the number of patent citations and claims as the quality index of innovation outputs. Finally, we used the negative binomial regression model to analyze the impacts of team characteristics on their innovations. [Results] We conducted an empirical study in the field of speech recognition technology and the proposed algorithm effectively ide.pngied 566 evolutionary sequences of R&D teams, including 1 827 R&D teams in each snapshot, with an average size of 16.670. These teams form a small world sub-network with an average clustering coefficient of 0.856 and an average shortest path length of 1.646. [Limitations] The proposed algorithm could not effectively find technology R&D teams from the fields with few well-known experts. The sample size also needs to be expanded. [Conclusions] The team size and average shortest path length of team network have significant positive impacts on the quantity and quality of innovations. The persistence, stability and network density of these teams have significant negative effects on the quantity and quality of innovations. The team clustering coefficient has significant negative effects on the quantity of innovations, but no significant impacts on the quality of innovations.

Key wordsPatent Cooperation Network      R&D Team      Innovation Outcome     
Received: 30 July 2021      Published: 21 June 2022
ZTFLH:  C931  
Fund:National Social Science Fund of China(16DZA224);Social Science Fund of Anhui Province, China(AHSKQ2020D23);Foundation for Distinguished Young Talents in Higher Education of Anhui Province, China(gxyqZD2019066)
Corresponding Authors: Guan Peng     E-mail:

Cite this article:

Guan Peng,Wang Yuefen,Fu Zhu,Jin Jialin. Identifying R&D Teams and Innovations with Patent Collaboration Networks. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(5): 99-111.

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类型 变量名称 符号表示 测量方法
因变量 专利产出数量 P a t e n t s i , t + 1 指研发团队所有成员申请并被授权的专利数量
专利被引用次数 C i t a t i o n i , t + 1 指研发团队所有成员申请并被授权的专利的前项引用数
专利权要求数 C l a i m i + 1 指研发团队所有成员申请并被授权的专利的专利权要求数
自变量 团队网络密度 T e a m _ d e n s i t y i , t 指研发团队作为专利合作网络子网络的网络密度
团队网络平均聚类系数 T e a m _ c l u s t e r i , t 指研发团队作为专利合作网络子网络的平均聚类系数
团队网络平均最短路径长度 T e a m _ a s p l i , t 指研发团队作为专利合作网络子网络的平均最短路径长度
调节变量 团队规模 T e a m _ s i z e i , t 指研发团队的成员数量
团队持续时间 T e a m _ p e r s i s t e n c e i , t 指研发团队当前所在时间段与团队初始时间段的差
团队稳定性 T e a m _ s t a b i l i t y i , t 指研发团队当前成员与上一阶段成员之间的重合度,取值范围为[0,1]
Variable Symbol and Measurement Method
时间片段 节点
边数量 平均聚类系数 平均最短路径长度 网络密度
1990-1994 1 043 1 785 0.653 4.657 3.285E-03
1991-1995 1 416 2 542 0.655 5.437 2.537E-03
1992-1996 1 786 3 401 0.686 8.757 2.134E-03
1993-1997 2 186 4 408 0.685 9.710 1.846E-03
1994-1998 2 728 5 712 0.673 9.712 1.536E-03
1995-1999 3 353 7 604 0.686 9.249 1.353E-03
1996-2000 4 053 9 586 0.699 11.822 1.167E-03
1997-2001 5 008 12 376 0.699 9.293 9.870E-04
1998-2002 5 713 14 302 0.711 9.050 8.770E-04
1999-2003 6 240 16 662 0.724 8.185 8.560E-04
2000-2004 6 535 17 624 0.729 8.500 8.250E-04
2001-2005 6 531 18 036 0.724 8.390 8.460E-04
2002-2006 6 268 17 410 0.729 7.475 8.860E-04
2003-2007 6 303 18 431 0.741 7.314 9.280E-04
2004-2008 6 366 19 105 0.743 7.036 9.430E-04
2005-2009 6 496 20 868 0.749 6.725 9.890E-04
2006-2010 6 478 21 241 0.749 6.698 1.012E-03
2007-2011 6 585 22 878 0.755 6.319 1.055E-03
2008-2012 6 868 24 498 0.753 6.124 1.039E-03
2009-2013 7 317 27 079 0.752 5.871 1.012E-03
2010-2014 7 664 27 914 0.744 5.586 9.510E-04
2011-2015 8 311 30 925 0.740 5.363 8.960E-04
2012-2016 9 012 33 951 0.733 5.365 8.360E-04
2013-2017 9 644 38 848 0.728 5.089 8.350E-04
Structure Attributes of Inventor Cooperative Networks
参与合作的次数 程度
参与合作的次数 1
程度中心性 0.501** 1
接近中心性 0.270** 0.329** 1
中介中心性 0.419** 0.720** 0.176** 1
Correlation Analysis Results (N=23 567)
The Number of Core R&D Personnel Ide.pngied by Each Time Segment
Number of Teams Under Different Overlap Coefficients
Average Span of Team Evolution Trajectory Under Different Overlap Coefficients
Evolution Trajectory Span Evolution Trajectory of Top10 Teams
变量 极小值 极大值 均值 标准差 方差
patents 0 38 1.550 3.580 12.813
citation 0 1 541 26.940 106.878 11 422.998
claim 0 878 22.530 61.496 3 781.813
team_density 0.031 1 0.587 0.290 0.084
team_cluster 0 1 0.856 0.129 0.017
team_aspl 1 6.432 1.646 0.724 0.524
team_size 3 178 16.670 20.251 410.114
team_persistence 0 17 1.590 1.695 2.874
team_stability 0.350 1 0.833 0.221 0.049
Descriptive Statistical Analysis of Variables (N=1 827)
变量 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
patents 1
citation 0.579** 1
claim 0.806** 0.672** 1
team_density -0.458** -0.251** -0.384** 1
team_cluster -0.279** -0.097** -0.184** 0.645** 1
team_aspl 0.652** 0.356** 0.533** -0.843** -0.507** 1
team_size 0.725** 0.492** 0.679** -0.547** -0.188** 0.792** 1
team_persistence -0.094** -0.056* -0.051* 0.050* 0.028 -0.091** -0.067** 1
team_stability -0.198** -0.107** -0.181** 0.426** 0.243** -0.353** -0.236** -0.511** 1
VIF 5.004 1.887 7.721 3.372 1.554 1.881
Correlation Analysis of Variables (Pearson Correlation Coefficient, N=1 827)
变量 模型1 模型2 模型3 模型4
team_size 0.031***
team_persistence -0.241***
team_stability -2.016***
team_density -2.604***
team_cluster -3.356***
team_aspl 0.902***
Intercept 1.502***
AIC 5 126 4 918.2 5 005.7 5 009.5
2 x log-likelihood -5 116.024 -4 906.171 -4 993.713 -4 997.515
Regression Model Results (N=1 827) (Dependent Variable: patents
变量 模型1 模型2 模型3 模型4
team_size 0.036***
team_persistence -0.237***
team_stability -2.182***
team_density -1.652***
team_cluster -0.313
team_aspl 0.349*
Intercept 4.354***
AIC 9 504.1 9 482.6 9 505.9 9 502.6
2 x log-likelihood -9 494.123 -9 470.577 -9 493.888 -9 490.582
Regression Model Results (N=1 827) (Dependent Variable: citation
变量 模型1 模型2 模型3 模型4
team_size 0.038***
team_persistence -0.157***
team_stability -2.131***
team_density -2.486***
team_cluster -2.698
team_aspl 0.820***
Intercept 3.984***
AIC 10 954 10 869 10 928 10 924
2 x log-likelihood -109 43.821 -10 857.271 -10 915.718 -10 912.150
Regression Model Results (N=1 827) (Dependent Variable: claim
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