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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (6): 32-45    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.0793
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Sentiment Curve Clustering and Communication Effects of Barrage Videos
Zhang Teng1,2,Ni Yuan1,2(),Mo Tong3,Lv Xueqiang4
1School of Economics and Management, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 100192, China
2Beijing Knowledge Management Research Base, Beijing 100192, China
3School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University, Beijing 102600, China
4Beijing Key Laboratory of Internet Culture and Digital Dissemination Research, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 100192, China
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[Objective] This paper constructs a clustering model for sentimental time series of bullet screen texts, aiming to predict video communication effects. [Methods] First, we used the Word2Vec to expand the sentiment dictionary and optimize the performance of sentiment classifiers. Then we added comprehensive weights to make the sentiment sequence smooth and stable. Finally, we constructed the SBD measurement and K-shape clustering model to analyze sentiment sequence patterns, characteristics, and communication effects. [Results] The optimized model had F1 values of 0.89 and 0.79 with multi-classification indicators (subjective or objective, and polar classification). The performance of the subjective and objective classifier was improved by 123%. Compared with the existing multiple time series measurement clustering algorithms, the proposed new model generated better Davies-Bouldin Index and Silhouette Index. [Limitations] The new algorithm did not fully utilize the Internet buzzwords or sentence situations without central adjectives. The description and interpretation of sentimental time series clustering results need to be further explored. [Conclusions] The proposed model could reduce the irregular noise and the timing phase shift of the bullet screen texts, while the clustering results are the basis for identifying the different effects.

Key wordsSentiment Dictionary      Sentiment Curve      Time Series     
Received: 04 August 2021      Published: 28 July 2022
ZTFLH:  TP393  
Fund:Beijing Social Science Foundation(21GLB027)
Corresponding Authors: Ni Yuan     E-mail:

Cite this article:

Zhang Teng, Ni Yuan, Mo Tong, Lv Xueqiang. Sentiment Curve Clustering and Communication Effects of Barrage Videos. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(6): 32-45.

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Technical Route
弹幕内容 发表相对
发表日期 用户唯一标识ID
欢迎/前往/三秦/大地 36.117 2019-07-14 d7faeec
长安/超/美/的/名字 36.300 2020-02-29 9695d4e6
为/我/大/陕西/增加/弹幕 37.540 2019-09-13 f2745c64
壮哉/我/大/陕西 37.541 2019-09-07 cbd65743
陕西/冲鸭 37.569 2019-08-21 28d977d4
Barrage Data (Part)
实例化模型参数 模型参数解释 数值
Size 词向量维度 400
Window 当前词与预测词最大距离 5
Min_count 词频下阈值 50
Workers 训练调用CPU核心数 4
Parameter Setting
扩展基准词 Pos积极情感词典 扩展基准词 Neg消极情感词典
硬朗 ('幽默',0.9607639312744141)
肤浅 ('枯燥',0.9757405519485474)
谦和 ('睿智',0.9870889186859131)
尴尬 ('过猛',0.9259644746780396)
敬佩 ('艰苦',0.9246152639389038)
有毒 ('剧透',0.9450205564498901)
Dictionary Expansion Display
有情感预测为无情感FN 无情感预测为有情感FP 被正确分类为有情感TP 被正确分类为无情感TN
302 8 110 80
Subjective and Objective Binary Classification Results of Barrage Based on HowNet
有情感预测为无情感FN 无情感预测为有情感FP 被正确分类为有情感TP 被正确分类为无情感TN
44 31 309 116
Subjective and Objective Binary Classification Results of Barrage Based on Expanded Dictionary
积极预测为消极FN 消极预测为积极FP 被正确分类为积极TP 被正确分类为消极TN
57 23 141 119
Barrage Sentiment Polarity Classification Results Based on Expanded Dictionary
T P + T N T P + T N + F P + F N
T P T P + F P
T P T P + F N
85.00% 90.08% 87.53% 0.89
Subjective and Objective Binary Classification Evaluation Index Based on Extended Sentiment Dictionary Model
T P + T N T P + T N + F P + F N
T P T P + F P
T P T P + F N
76.47% 85.90% 71.94% 0.79
Evaluation Index of Sentiment Polarity Binary Classification Effect Based on Extended Sentiment Dictionary Model
Four Typical Emotional Curves in Documentaries
Elbow Method for Determining the Optimal Number of Clusters
聚类指标 K-medoids+ED K-medoids+DTW K-shape+SBD
DBI_Score 1.63 1.32 1.13
Silhouette_Score 0.44 0.41 0.47
Evaluation Metrics for Time Series Clustering Models
聚类标签 聚类样本
0 2,11,13,18,19,20
1 1,6,7,10
2 8,9,14,16,17
3 3,4,5,12,15
Clustering Diversity and Labeling Results
Sentiment Curve K-shape Clustering Results
莱文统计 自由度 1 自由度 2 显著性
点赞量 基于平均值 0.717 3 16 0.556
基于中位数 0.650 3 16 0.594
基于中位数并具有调整后自由度 0.650 3 9.252 0.602
基于剪除后平均值 0.714 3 16 0.558
Levene’s Test Results
(I) 聚类类别 (J) 聚类类别 平均值差值 (I-J) 标准错误 显著性 95% 置信区间
下限 上限
0 1 20 811.167* 2 538.410 0 15 429.98 26 192.36
2 6 380.667* 2 381.239 0.016 1 332.66 11 428.67
3 15 193.667* 2 381.239 0 10 145.66 20 241.67
1 0 -20 811.167* 2 538.410 0 -26 192.36 -15 429.98
2 -14 430.500* 2 637.993 0 -20 022.80 -8 838.20
3 -5 617.500* 2 637.993 0.049 -11 209.80 -25.20
2 0 -6 380.667* 2 381.239 0.016 -11 428.67 -1 332.66
1 14 430.500* 2 637.993 0 8 838.20 20 022.80
3 8 813.000* 2 487.124 0.003 3 540.53 14 085.47
3 0 -15 193.667* 2 381.239 0 -20 241.67 -10 145.66
1 5 617.500* 2 637.993 0.049 25.20 11 209.80
2 -8 813.000* 2 487.124 0.003 -14 085.47 -3 540.53
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