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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (10): 142-150    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2022.0067
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Analyzing Public Opinion on Three-Child-Policy with Sentiment Classification and Keyword Extraction
Meng Fansi1,Zhong Han1(),Shi Shuicai2,Xie Zekun1
1School of Information and Cyber Security, People’s Public Security University of China, Beijing 100038, China
2TRS Information Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100101, China
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[Objective] This paper studies the public opinion on the three-child-policy in different Chinese provinces. [Context] Existing research on this issue addresses public opinion from the Web as a whole, and ignores the demands or concerns from individual province. These studies’ research methods are rather simple with single data source. [Methods] Firstly, we analyzed the public opinion on three-child-policy with time series method from the statistical perspective. Then, we examined their sentiments with the SVM model, and extracted keywords from the negative opinion with the CRF model. Third, we created word clouds for these keywords. Finally, we conducted research on these public opinion in different provinces and generated word clouds for them. We also examined the ties between political or economic statistics and the negative key words from different provinces. [Results] The three-child-policy was more popular than other policies during the same period. The public opinion was dominated by neutral sentiments (60.56%), followed by the positive (35.15%) and the negative ones (4.29%). Public concerns in different provinces were different and correlated to the political, economic and ecological factors. [Conclusions] Different provinces should adopt customized public opinion guidance to support the three-child-policy, which will address people’s concerns more effectively.

Key wordsThree-Child      Public Opinion      SVM      CRF     
Received: 23 January 2022      Published: 16 November 2022
ZTFLH:  C913 C923  
Fund:National Social Science Fund of China(20AZD114);Soft Science Theory Research Program of the Ministry of Public Security(2021LL39)
Corresponding Authors: Zhong Han     E-mail:

Cite this article:

Meng Fansi,Zhong Han,Shi Shuicai,Xie Zekun. Analyzing Public Opinion on Three-Child-Policy with Sentiment Classification and Keyword Extraction. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(10): 142-150.

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The Amount of Different Public Opinions
Public Opinion on Three Children
Public Opinion on Women’s Rights
算法 标签 精确率 召回率 F1值 支持度 准确率
NB 0(负面) 0.74 0.83 0.78 155 0.858
1(正面) 0.92 0.87 0.89 145
LSTM 0(负面) 0.79 0.61 0.69 155 0.830
1(正面) 0.84 0.93 0.88 345
SVM 0(负面) 0.82 0.69 0.75 155 0.856
1(正面) 0.87 0.93 0.90 345
XGBoost 0(负面) 0.74 0.81 0.77 155 0.852
1(正面) 0.91 0.87 0.89 345
Algorithm Performance
Word Cloud of Three-Child Policy
所发布政策 高频词
全面二孩政策 看孩子劳累、二孩幸福、二孩教育、二孩家庭接纳、老人带孩子
三孩政策 性别平等、配套措施、生育权、婚嫁陋习、女性压力、生育负担
Comparison of the Theme of Negative Public Opinion
Popularity of the Three-Child Policy in Different Provinces
省份 北京 广东 浙江 山东 四川
TOP1 年轻人 朱列玉 微信公众号 山东 奖励
TOP2 北京 小孩 篡改 淄博 复读
TOP3 管培生 幼儿教育 新闻 三胎 家长
TOP4 生孩子 女职工 截图 考生 四川
TOP5 怀孕 子女 三个子女 山东高考 成都
TOP6 劳动者 照顾 县城 调查 学生
TOP7 投资 延长产假 房价 多地 辅助生殖
TOP8 hr 负担 丽水市 有望 医学
TOP9 躺平 照看 丽水 调研 小孩
TOP10 资本家 全国人大代表 公安局 会议 生三孩
省份 河南 江西 湖北 陕西 重庆
TOP1 高三 研判 受访者 托育 养老
TOP2 房间 会议 公共服务 西安 复读
TOP3 笔记 江西 儿童 青年 福祉
TOP4 女士 贷款 放开 调查 豪华
TOP5 拍下 部署 优惠 人口老龄化 人口老龄化
TOP6 来源 调研 出行 应对 三胎
TOP7 学习 多地 时代 调研 重庆
TOP8 学生 高于 景区 母婴 座椅
TOP9 妈妈 全市 调查 suv 老龄化
TOP10 理想 银行 应对 会议 应对
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