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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (11): 126-138    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2022.0078
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Comprehensive Quality Profiling for Micro-, Small-, and Medium-sized Enterprises Based on Deep Learning
Cao Lina1,Zhang Jian1,2,3,Chen Jindong1,2(),Fan Hui4
1School of Economics and Management, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 100192, China
2Beijing International Science and Technology Cooperation Base of Intelligent Decision and Big Data Application, Beijing 100192, China
3Laboratory of Big Data Decision Making for Green Development, Beijing 100192, China
4Sino-tone Beijing Consulting Co. Ltd., Beijing 100012, China
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[Objective] This paper develops the comprehensive quality profiling technology for the micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) based on deep learning, aiming to more accurately depict the quality of MSMEs. [Methods] We proposed a comprehensive quality profiling system with five dimensions: quality innovation ability, process quality control, product quality level, operational quality and risks, as well as financial quality. Then, we designed a diversified profiling method based on the quality check reports and online user comments. Finally, we proposed the comprehensive quality profiling technology for MSMEs with the help of deep learning. [Results] The F value of our pre-trained BERT model was 4.66%, 1.99%, and 4.25% higher than those of the benchmark models. The review classification model based on the pre-trained Word2Vec was 6.03% higher than the traditional TF-IDF model. [Limitations] More dimensions related to enterprise quality need to be added and optimized. [Conclusions] Deep learning technology expands the dimensions and improves the accuracy of enterprise quality profiling. The proposed method also provides technical support for service innovation.

Key wordsMSMEs      Comprehensive Quality      Enterprise Profiling      Deep Learning     
Received: 26 January 2022      Published: 13 January 2023
ZTFLH:  TP391  
Fund:National Key R&D Program of China(2019YFB1405300);National Natural Science Foundation of China(72174018);Beijing Social Science Fund(20GLA002)
Corresponding Authors: Chen Jindong     E-mail:

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Cao Lina,Zhang Jian,Chen Jindong,Fan Hui. Comprehensive Quality Profiling for Micro-, Small-, and Medium-sized Enterprises Based on Deep Learning. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(11): 126-138.

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The Process of the Comprehensive Quality of Micro-, Small-, and Medium-sized Enterprises
Product Quality Spot Checks Portrait Process Based on Named Entity Recognition
数据集 句子数量 标注实体数量分布
被抽检企业名称实体数量 被抽检产品名称实体数量 产品不合格项目实体数量
验证集 4 100 1 001 1 725 1 645
测试集 4 314 1 086 1 907 1 962
训练集 33 406 7 905 13 248 12 828
合计 41 820 9 992 16 880 16 435
The Number of Sentences and Labeled Entities in Each Dataset During the Training of the Model
模型 实体名称 准确率/% 召回率/% F值/%
BERT-BiLSTM-CRF 企业名称 92.47 94.01 93.23
不合格项目 93.34 88.79 91.01
产品名称 93.82 93.16 93.49
BiLSTM-CRF 企业名称 87.83 89.32 88.57
不合格项目 89.61 88.43 89.02
产品名称 89.36 89.12 89.24
Entity Recognition Results of Two Models
Product Quality Comments Portrait Process Based on Sentiment Classification Method
模型 准确率/% 召回率/% F值/%
Word2Vec-SVM 88.54 93.92 91.15
TF-IDF-SVM 83.95 86.33 85.12
Classification Model Results
一级指标 二级指标 三级指标 标签设定方法 标签输出
1. 基本信息 工商信息 注册资本 规则标签 资本实力:强(1 081)、一般(10 811)、弱(23 477)
注册年限 行业经验:丰富(4 534)、一般(15 651)、较少(15 184)
2. 质量创新能力 创新投入 创新经费投入强度 聚类分析 创新投入水平较高(37)、中等(599)、较低(34 733)
创新产出 专利数量* 主成分分析、
创新产出水平较高(56)、中等(734)、较低(34 579)
3.过程质量控制 质量目标 质量目标是否明确制定 事实标签 质量目标明确/不明确
采购过程控制 原材料合格率 主成分分析、
生产过程控制 半成品检测合格率
检验过程控制 例行检验和确认检验的规范化
不合格品的控制 不合格品管理的规范性 事实标签 不合格品管控规范/不规范
4.产品质量 商标信息 商标数量* 聚类分析 企业知名度较高(105)、一般(693)、较低(34 571)
产品或质量认证 产品许可/认证 事实标签 拥有产品质量认证或质量体系认证
产品质量抽检 产品监管抽检情况* 命名实体识别模型、规则标签 无抽检纪录(35 329)、被抽检且均合格(35)、被抽检有不合格(5)
产品入库检验合格率 规则标签 符合标准/不符合标准
客户满意度 产品质量评论* 文本分类、情感判断、规则标签 产品口碑较好
顾客退货率 事实标签 实际退货率
产品售后情况 缺陷产品召回机制 事实标签 机制完善且处置合理
5.企业经营质量与风险 处罚信息 行政处罚情况* 关键词提取、
企业经营风险等级:无风险(35 084)、低风险(263)、中风险(13)、高风险(9)
司法风险 抵质押信息* 规则标签 抵质押风险等级:无风险(35 232)、低风险(19)、中风险(62)、高风险(56)
清算信息* 清算风险:无风险(35 074)、被清算(295)
司法协助信息* 司法风险:无风险(35 185)、低风险(101)、中风险(69)、高风险(13)
劳动仲裁* 劳动仲裁风险:无风险、低风险、中风险、高风险
失信信息* 失信风险:无风险、低风险、中风险、高风险
6. 财务质量 偿债能力 流动比率 熵权法 各财务指标得分
营运能力 总资产周转率
盈利能力 总资产报酬率
发展能力 营业收入增长率
Image Label Setting Method, Output Label Name and Corresponding Enterprise Distribution Statistics under Each Index
Quality Portrait for ZL Food Company
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