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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (12): 1-12    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2022.0109
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Identifying Actionable Information from Online Reviews
Shang Lili1,2,Tang Huayun3,Wang Yanzhao3,Zuo Meiyun2()
1Post-Doctoral Research Center, China Central Depository & Clearing Co., Ltd, Beijing 100033, China
2School of Information, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100871, China
3Blockchain Lab, ChinaBond Finance and Information Technology Co., Ltd, Beijing 100044, China
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[Objective] This paper explores methods automatically identifying actionable information from online reviews, aiming to help practitioners improve their follow-up work. [Methods] We defined our task as a sentence-level classification procedure, and proposed a span-based model (SAII). First, we encoded the input sentences based on BERT to generate token-level representation. Then, we enumerated all possible spans from the given sentences and generated informative representations with the help of attention mechanism. Third, we proposed a multi-channel filtering strategy to preserve spans close to the key element prototypes. Finally, we merged the refined span-level and context representations to predict actionable information. [Results] We examined the SAII model with two real-world datasets and found it yielded satisfactory results. Compared with the three best existing models, SAII’s F1 value increased by 7.91%/5.42%, 2.10%/2.73%, and 1.94%/1.46%. [Limitations] More research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of our new model on multimodal datasets of different domains. [Conclusions] The SAII model could effectively identify actionable information from user-generated contents.

Key wordsOnline Reviews      Span Model      NLP      Actionable Information      BERT     
Received: 11 February 2022      Published: 03 February 2023
ZTFLH:  TP391  
Fund:Fundation of Beijing Key Laboratory of Green Development Decision Making Based on Big Data(Grant No. dm202103)
Corresponding Authors: Zuo Meiyun,ORCID:0000-0002-5281-5071     E-mail:

Cite this article:

Shang Lili, Tang Huayun, Wang Yanzhao, Zuo Meiyun. Identifying Actionable Information from Online Reviews. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(12): 1-12.

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Examples for Problem Definition
The SAII Model
数据集 句子数
训练集 测试集 总计
可行动 非可行动 可行动 非可行动
Yelp 1 441 4 146 667 1 728 7 982
RateMDs 1 822 3 704 727 1 641 7 894
Statistics of Datasets
模型 Yelp数据集 RateMDs数据集
P/% R/% F1/% P/% R/% F1/%
序列模型 Elman-RNN 74.60 55.47 63.63 83.41 74.69 78.81
LSTM 74.70 56.67 64.45 84.24 74.29 78.95
BiLSTM 77.87 56.92 65.77 86.01 74.58 79.89
句子级分类模型 Coattention-LSTM 79.13 58.36 67.18 87.38 76.29 81.46
MSNN 79.66 64.98 71.58 87.32 78.32 82.58
AII 模型 CSI-BiLSTM 82.97 63.19 71.74 90.13 78.39 83.85
SAII (OURS) 84.52 65.30 73.68 89.28 81.67 85.31
Experiment Results of Compared Models
模型 Yelp数据集 RateMDs数据集
P/% R/% F1/% P/% R/% F1/%
w/o POS Encoder 82.39 65.70 73.11 88.41 81.69 84.92
w/o Span-Level Layer 80.21 62.64 70.35 86.75 80.52 83.52
w/o Attention Max Pooling 82.97 63.93 72.22 87.61 81.02 84.19
Mean Pooling 82.27 64.02 72.01 88.41 80.06 84.03
w/o Filtering Mechanism 82.58 63.50 71.80 87.02 80.56 83.67
SAII (Full Model) 84.52 65.30 73.68 89.28 81.67 85.31
Ablation Study Results
Probability Distribution of Candidate Spans
Effect of Span Length on Performances
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