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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2023, Vol. 7 Issue (10): 74-84    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2022.1019
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Multi-task & Multi-modal Sentiment Analysis Model Based on Aware Fusion
Wu Sisi,Ma Jing()
College of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106, China
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[Objective] This paper develops a multi-task and multi-modal sentiment analysis model based on aware fusion, aiming to sufficiently use context information, as well as address the modality-invariant and modality-specific issues. [Methods] We established multi-modal, text, acoustic, and image sentiment analysis tasks. We extracted their features using BERT, wav2vec2.0, and openface2.0 models, which were processed by the self-attention layer and sent to the aware fusion layer for multi-modal feature fusion. Finally, we categorized the single-modal and multi-modal information using Softmax. We also introduced the loss function of the homoscedastic uncertainty to assign weights to different tasks automatically. [Results] Compared with the baseline method, the proposed model improved the accuracy and F1 value by 1.59% and 1.67% on CH-SIMS, and 0.55% and 0.67% on CMU-MOSI. The ablation experiment showed that the accuracy and F1 value of multi-task learning were 4.08% and 4.18% higher than those of single-task learning. [Limitations] We need to examine the new model’s performance on large-scale data sets. [Conclusions] The model can effectively reduce noise and improve multi-modal fusion. The multi-task learning framework could also achieve better performance.

Key wordsMulti-modal      Sentiment Analysis      Multi-task      Aware Fusion     
Received: 26 September 2022      Published: 21 March 2023
ZTFLH:  TP391  
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(72174086);Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Graduate Research and Practice Innovation Project(xcxjh20220910)
Corresponding Authors: Ma Jing, ORCID: 0000-0001-8472-2518, E-mail:。   

Cite this article:

Wu Sisi, Ma Jing. Multi-task & Multi-modal Sentiment Analysis Model Based on Aware Fusion. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2023, 7(10): 74-84.

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Dataset Examples
Framework of MMAF
Multi-modal Aware Fusion
训练集 1 368 1 284
验证集 456 229
测试集 457 686
合计 2 281 2 199
Datasets Information
参数名 参数值
词向量维度 768
声音向量维度 768
图像向量维度 709
学习率 0.001
Dropout 0.2
激活函数 ReLU
批处理 16
优化函数 Adam
Experimental Parameter Setting
Acc-3/% F1/% Acc-2/% F1/%
EF-LSTM 56.35 56.89 75.72 75.45
LF-LSTM 58.13 58.51 76.92 77.03
TFN 64.84 65.14 80.36 80.51
LMF 65.41 65.49 81.97 82.20
MulT 66.28 66.72 83.59 83.84
Self-MM 67.94 68.28 85.98 85.95
MMAF 69.53 69.95 86.53 86.62
Algorithm Performance
模态组合 Acc-3/% F1/%
T 65.19 65.60
A 62.87 63.04
I 61.37 61.53
T+A 67.54 67.91
T+I 66.05 66.49
A+I 62.91 63.05
T+A+I 69.53 69.95
Experimental Results of Modal Ablation on CH-SIMS
任务 Acc-3/% F1/%
M 69.53 69.95
M+T 70.42 70.83
M+A 69.90 70.36
M+I 69.64 70.02
M+T+A 72.16 73.27
M+T+I 71.21 71.29
M+A+I 70.70 70.99
M+T+A+I 73.61 74.13
Experimental Results of Task Ablation on CH-SIMS
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