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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2023, Vol. 7 Issue (11): 101-113    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2022.0993
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Early Recognition of User-Generated Content Value with Text Semantics and Associative Network Dual-Link Fusion
Wang Song1(),Luo Ying1,Liu Xinmin2
1College of Economics & Management, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China
2College of Economics & Management, Qingdao Agricultural University,Qingdao 266109, China
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[Objective] This paper proposes a feature system and new model to improve the efficiency of early recognition, aiming to address the issues of time delay and overload in recognizing valuable content from virtual communities. [Methods] We constructed a dual-link fusion algorithm with the text semantics of user-generated content and the network structure of explicit and implicit interaction between users and texts. In the text semantic link, we used the BERT+BiLSTM+Linear to obtain the deep semantic features. In the association network link, we adopted GAT to process the shallow numerical characteristics and association characteristics of the nodes. Finally, we utilized the convolution layer to optimize the fusion information of the above dual links and achieved early value recognition. [Results] The dual-link fusion model had a processing accuracy of 89.80% for data from the Meizu Flyme community, which was 3.45% and 3.20% higher than that of the single text semantic link and associated network link, respectively. Compared with other baseline models, the accuracy and F1 values were also improved. [Limitations] The generalization ability of the model needs to be further improved, and we should have analyzed rich text content (i.e., pictures and external links). [Conclusions] The deep learning fusion model improves the accuracy of early recognition of valuable texts by processing sequential text semantics and topological network structure.

Key wordsEarly Recognition      Fusion Model      BiLSTM      Graph Attention Network     
Received: 21 September 2022      Published: 22 March 2023
ZTFLH:  G206  
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(71471105);Social Science Planning Project of Shandong Province(18CGLJ38)
Corresponding Authors: Wang Song,ORCID:0000-0001-9101-7702,E-mail:。   

Cite this article:

Wang Song, Luo Ying, Liu Xinmin. Early Recognition of User-Generated Content Value with Text Semantics and Associative Network Dual-Link Fusion. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2023, 7(11): 101-113.

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The Explicit and Implicit Interaction Network of User-Text Entity
所属网络 名称 符号 含义
用户权威性 authority 用户节点的威望
用户活跃度 activity 用户节点的发帖数量
度中心性 degree 与其他节点的连接数量
中间中心性 betweenness 用户节点的重要性
接近中心性 closeness 用户节点到其他节点的距离
用户领袖性 pagerank 用户节点的影响力
文本长度 length 文本的长度
丰富性 richness 文本是否含有图片、链接
情感极性 emotion 文本所彰显的情感
互动性 interactivity 文本内容中所涉及的人称表述
准确性 accuracy 文本内容中主题概率
Node Feature of Dual Network
Early Recognition Model of Content Value Based on Dual Link Fusion
Structure Diagram of BERT
符号 含义 符号 含义
post_id 文本ID post_them 文本主题
post_content 文本内容 post_picture 文本中是否有图片
author_id 发帖人ID post_num 发帖数量
author_vip 发帖人头衔 author_reputation 发帖人声望
listen_num 关注数量 fans_num 粉丝数量
review_author_id 评论人ID review_content 评论内容
Symbols and Meanings of Data
Changes of Topic Confusion, Consistency
Word Cloud
内容 权威人员评论 初次标注 优化标注 最终标注
1. 17pro更新F9系统后息屏状态下会闪屏;2. 偶尔指纹识别位置会常量,
反馈后等优化吧。 1 1 1
会做相关考虑。 1 1 1
这个是安全提示,有些用户可能会需要。 1 1 1
魅族18丐版谁要,6月份买的18,白色,低价,有人要不! 温馨提示:网络交易请注意交易风险。 1 0 0
建议选择官方配件。 1 0 0
Example of Labeling
实验参数名称 参数值 实验参数名称 参数值
学习率(lr 1×10-5 关联网络链路学习率(g_lr 0.000 1
训练迭代数(epochs 30 关联网络链路迭代次数(g_epochs 1000
训练批量数(batch_size 64 图注意力层的头数(layer 8
文本序列长度(max_length 100 GAT处理维度(hidden_dim 8
字向量嵌入维度(in_dim 768 卷积核大小(kernel_size 1
BiLSTM处理维度(hidden_dim 100 Conv处理维度(out_channels 2
Linear处理维度(output_size 2 融合模型失活率(dropout 0.5
优化器(Optimizer Adam L2正则项参数(Weight_decay 5×10-4
Parameter Settings
模型 Acc/% F1/% P/% R/%
双链路融合模型 89.80 77.21 84.34 71.19
文本语义链路BERT+BiLSTM+Linear 86.35 73.65 68.64 79.45
关联网络链路GAT 86.60 72.50 78.35 67.46
Result of Dual-Link Fusion
单链路 模型 Acc/% F1/% P/% R/%
BERT+BiLSTM+Linear 86.35 73.65 68.64 79.45
Embedding+BiLSTM 83.96 53.01 89.43 37.67
BERT+BiLSTM 85.44 60.05 89.86 45.08
BERT+CNN+Linear 84.70 70.94 65.23 77.74
图注意力神经网络 86.60 72.50 78.35 67.46
卷积神经网络 82.89 46.90 94.57 31.18
全连接网络 32.99 33.45 21.97 70.04
Result of Single Link
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