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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2023, Vol. 7 Issue (11): 14-25    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2022.1020
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A Feature-Enhanced Multi-modal Emotion Recognition Model Integrating Knowledge and Res-ViT
Yang Ruyun,Ma Jing()
College of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 211106, China
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[Objective] This paper aims to enhance the quality of multi-modal feature extraction and improve the accuracy of netizen sentiment recognition for multi-modal public opinion. [Methods] First, we extracted features of the text modality using RoBERTa and enhanced them with the knowledge phrase representation dictionary. Then, we proposed a Res-ViT model for the graph modality, combining ResNet and Vision Transformer. Finally, we fused multi-modal features with Transformer encoders and fed the representations to the fully connected layer for sentiment recognition. [Results] We evaluated our model using the MVSA-Multiple dataset and achieved an accuracy of 71.66% and an F1 score of 69.42% for sentiment recognition. These improvements were 2.22% and 0.59% over the best scores of the baseline methods. [Limitations] More research is needed to examine the model with other datasets to verify its generalizability and robustness. [Conclusions] The proposed model could more effectively extract and fuse multi-modal features and improve the accuracy of sentiment recognition.

Key wordsMulti-modal      Sentiment Recognition      Feature Enhancement     
Received: 26 September 2022      Published: 22 March 2023
ZTFLH:  G350 TP391  
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(72174086);Postgraduate Research & Practice Innovation Program of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics(xcxjh20220910)
Corresponding Authors: Ma Jing,ORCID:0000-0001-8472-2581,。   

Cite this article:

Yang Ruyun, Ma Jing. A Feature-Enhanced Multi-modal Emotion Recognition Model Integrating Knowledge and Res-ViT. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2023, 7(11): 14-25.

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Feature-Enhanced Multi-Model Emotion Recognition Model Integrating Knowledge and Res-ViT
Text Feature Extraction Module
Structure of Res-ViT
Structure of Transformer Encoder
情感类别 训练集 验证集 测试集 总计
积极 9 053 1 131 1 131 11 315
中性 3 528 440 440 4 408
消极 1 040 129 129 1 298
总计 13 621 1 700 1 700 17 021
Distribution of Dataset for One Experiment
参数 参数值
批大小(Batch Size) 32
学习率(Learning Rate) 3e-5
预热学习率(Warmup Rate) 0.1
优化器(Optimizer) AdamW
正则化(Dropout) 0.1
损失函数(Loss) CrossEntropy Loss
图像Transformer层数 2
融合Transformer层数 4
Parameter Setting
方法 模态 模型 Accuracy/% F1/%
基准方法 文本 BERT 67.95 65.84
RoBERTa 68.21 65.72
RoBERTa-Enhanced 68.97 66.95
图片 ResNet 66.40 61.17
ViT 66.05 60.90
Res-ViT 67.18 62.43
图文 RoBERTa- ResNet-E 69.44 66.98
RoBERTa- ResNet-L 66.57 63.75
MultiSentiNet 68.86 68.11
HSAN 67.96 67.76
Co-Mem 68.92 68.83
本文方法 图文 RERV-Concat 69.76 67.50
RERV-Transformer 71.66 69.42
RERV-LXMERT 70.63 68.36
RERV-MulT 70.42 68.14
Comparison of Model Performance
模型 Accuracy/% F1/%
RoBERTa 68.21 65.72
ResNet 66.12 59.50
+融合Transformer 70.35 67.59
+文本知识增强 71.02 68.66
+图像Transformer 71.66 69.42
Ablation Results of Model
Comparison of Different Layer of Transformer
Example of Visualization Analysis
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