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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2023, Vol. 7 Issue (11): 140-157    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2022.1167
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Analyzing Researchers’ Interdisciplinarity and Academic Impacts
Zhai Yujia1,2,Zhou Rui1,Li Yan1(),Mao Zhigang1
1School of Management, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300382, China
2School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
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[Objective] This study explores the relationship between interdisciplinarity and individual academic impacts, aiming to promote the development of interdisciplinary research. [Methods] First, we retrieved 69,759 researchers from the Semantic Scholar database. Then, we used the Brillouin index to analyze their interdisciplinarity based on citation, publication, and collaboration. Finally, we applied the generalized propensity value matching method to examine the causal effect of interdisciplinarity on individual academic influence. [Results] For interdisciplinary citations, the publication number and h-index of researchers increased with the rise of multi-disciplinary citations. They surpassed the critical points (1.5 and 0.05) before subsequently declining. However, interdisciplinary citation does not impact the average citation number per paper. For interdisciplinary publications, as researchers published across more disciplines, the publication number and h-index showed an upward trend, while the average citation per paper showed an oscillatory increase. For interdisciplinary collaboration, the publication number of researchers steadily increases with the growth of interdisciplinary collaboration, albeit with a gradually diminishing rate of increase. However, interdisciplinary collaboration did not influence the h-index or average citation per paper. [Limitations] The study did not include the weighting of each dimension in the measurement indicators or establish an evaluative framework for a comprehensive interdisciplinary index encompassing all three dimensions. [Conclusions] Engaging in interdisciplinary research can conditionally enhance the academic impact of researchers, while different evaluation dimensions yield various results.

Key wordsInterdisciplinarity      Individual Academic Influence      Generalized Propensity Score Matching      Brillouin Index     
Received: 06 November 2022      Published: 22 March 2023
ZTFLH:  G353  
Fund:National Social Science Fund of China(18CTQ027)
Corresponding Authors: Li Yan,ORCID:0000-0001-5688-9847,。   

Cite this article:

Zhai Yujia, Zhou Rui, Li Yan, Mao Zhigang. Analyzing Researchers’ Interdisciplinarity and Academic Impacts. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2023, 7(11): 140-157.

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指标 计算方法 含义 衡量维度
Shannon信息熵(SH) S H = - x i x i l o g x i x i 学科类别平均分布程度( x i是属于第 i个学科类别的数量) 多样性
Brillouin布里渊指数(BI) H = l o g N ! - ( l o g n i ! ) N 不同学科类别的概率(N是文献的数量, n i是属于第 i个学科类别的数量) 多样性
跨领域引用指数(COC) C O C = i O C i i I ? O C i 某学科所有引用文献中引用其他学科文献的比例( i是引用文献数) 平衡性
基尼系数(GE) G E = ( 2 i - n - 1 ) x i n x i 最初用来衡量收入不平等( i是序列指标, x i是属于第 i个学科类别的数量) 平衡性
Jaccard系数 S J ( i , j ) = c i t ( i , j ) c o c ( i ) + c o c ( j ) - c i t ( i , j ) 不同学科之间的差异性( i j交集大小和 i j并集大小的比值) 差异性
Rao-Stirling指数 R S = 1 - i , j S i j P i P j 学科类别ij论文数占所有学科论文总数比例( S i j是学科类别 i j的相似度, P i= x i ?/ X;X= x i 综合性
Interdisciplinary Measurement Indicators
匹配变量 最大值 最小值 均值 中位数 标准差
学术年龄 31 6 16.802 16 7.234
合作者数量 18 200 0 44.403 19 311.787
篇均参考文献数量 5 897.4 1 34.117 20.166 69.512
Matching Variables Statistics
结果变量 最大值 最小值 均值 中位数 标准差
发文量 83 5 7.571 6 3.788
h指数 41 0 5.929 5 3.163
篇均被引量 5 897.4 1 34.112 20.166 69.497
Statistics of Individual Academic Influence Evaluation Indicators
Coefficient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
引用 m1 -0.000 272 1 0.000 281 4 -0.97 0.334 -0.000 823 6 0.000 279 5
m2 -0.000 125 5 0.000 006 5 -19.31 0 -0.000 138 3 -0.000 112 8
m3 0.000 285 8 0.000 029 4 9.73 0 0.000 228 2 0.000 343 4
_cons -0.164 229 4 0.005 132 1 -32.00 0 -0.174 288 2 -0.154 170 6
发文 m1 -0.000 818 0 0.000 212 3 -3.85 0 -0.001 234 1 -0.000 401 8
m2 -0.000 003 49 0.000 004 9 -0.71 0.477 -0.000 013 1 0.000 006 12
m3 0.000 068 4 0.000 022 2 3.09 0.002 0.000 024 9 0.000 111 8
_cons -0.440 599 0 0.003 872 0 -113.79 0 -0.448 188 0 -0.433 010 1
合作 m1 -0.001 542 4 0.000 335 0 -4.60 0 -0.002 198 9 -0.000 885 8
m2 -0.000 094 7 0.000 007 74 -12.24 0 -0.000 109 8 -0.000 079 5
m3 -0.000 377 1 0.000 035 0 -10.78 0 -0.000 445 6 -0.000 308 5
_cons -0.546 552 0 0.006 109 2 -89.46 0 -0.558 525 8 -0.534 578 1
Citation, Publication, and Collaborative h-index under Matching Variable Conditions
Variable Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
引用 gps_1 69 759 0.550 321 9 0.018 085 7 0.000 331 0 0.747 992 8
gps_2 69 759 0.739 131 4 0.022 011 9 0.000 045 9 0.748 002 9
gps_3 69 759 0.589 700 0 0.023 910 6 0.000 003 6 0.747 994 8
发文 gps_1 69 759 0.847 527 9 0.008 741 2 0.288 036 0 0.917 504 0
gps_2 69 759 0.744 253 0 0.009 432 4 0.647 301 5 0.990 510 8
gps_3 69 759 0.385 978 7 0.009 537 8 0.302 950 4 0.928 809 5
合作 gps_1 69 759 0.485 297 2 0.014 559 0 0.014 535 9 0.628 366 6
gps_2 69 759 0.480 192 6 0.021 561 9 0.000 095 1 0.498 285 9
gps_3 69 759 0.324 401 6 0.018 794 5 0.000 015 1 0.343 558 5
Citation, Publication and Collaboration Tendency Score
Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
h1 t1 2.911 257 0.584 110 4 4.98 0 1.766 401 4.056 112
t1_sq -1.099 435 0.222 879 8 -4.93 0 -1.536 279 -0.662 591 3
pscore -1.378 445 0.486 183 9 -2.84 0.005 -2.331 365 -0.425 525 7
pscore_sq 0.705 028 2 0.585 683 2 1.20 0.229 -0.442 909 7 1.852 966
t1_pscore 0.333 438 6 0.399 452 6 0.83 0.404 -0.449 487 6 1.116 365
_cons 6.306 287 0.114 305 5 55.17 0 6.082 249 6.530 326
h2 t1 2.124 777 0.486 277 0 4.37 0 1.171 675 3.077 879
t1_sq -1.048 560 0.185 549 4 -5.65 0 -1.412 236 -0.684 883 1
pscore -2.213 865 0.404 752 3 -5.47 0 -3.007 179 -1.420 551
pscore_sq 1.549 409 0.487 586 4 3.18 0.001 0.593 740 9 2.505 078
t1_pscore 1.544 248 0.332 547 8 4.64 0 0.892 455 5 2.196 041
_cons 4.835 818 0.095 160 3 50.82 0 4.649 303 5.022 332
h3 t1 -32.038 760 10.739 530 -2.98 0.003 -53.088 20 -10.989 31
t1_sq 13.005 550 4.097 895 0 3.17 0.002 4.973 683 21.037 42
pscore -67.416 350 8.939 036 0 -7.54 0 -84.936 840 -49.895 86
pscore_sq 60.958 640 10.768 440 5.66 0 39.852 510 82.064 77
t1_pscore 45.946 630 7.344 383 0 6.26 0 31.551 660 60.341 61
_cons 41.325 620 2.101 635 0 19.66 0 37.206 420 45.444 82
Regression Analysis Estimation for Models
Coefficient Std.err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
h1 t2 -4.243 080 0.300 355 5 -14.13 0 -4.831 776 -3.654 384
t2_sq 6.747 839 0.180 645 6 37.35 0 6.393 774 7.101 904
pscore -6.745 648 0.265 629 3 -25.39 0 -7.266 281 -6.225 015
pscore_sq 4.965 248 0.251 024 1 19.78 0 4.473 242 5.457 255
t2_pscore 0.932 085 9 0.349 017 5 2.67 0.008 0.248 012 3 1.616 159
_cons 8.863 430 0.098 952 9 89.57 0 8.669 483 0 9.057 378
h2 t2 -3.233 905 0.252 076 1 -12.83 0 -3.727 973 -2.739 836
t2_sq 4.757 891 0.151 608 5 31.38 0 4.460 739 5.055 043
pscore -4.978 420 0.222 931 8 -22.33 0 -5.415 366 -4.541 474
pscore_sq 3.668 039 0.210 674 3 17.41 0 3.255 118 4.080 960
t2_pscore 1.581 938 0.292 916 1 5.40 0 1.007 823 2.156 053
_cons 6.652 566 0.083 047 1 80.11 0 6.489 794 6.815 338
h3 t2 -12.606 57 5.720 054 0 -2.20 0.028 -23.817 87 -1.395 278
t2_sq 13.050 48 3.440 265 0 3.79 0 6.307 563 19.793 39
pscore -21.812 52 5.058 717 0 -4.31 0 -31.727 60 -11.897 45
pscore_sq 30.813 23 4.780 572 0 6.45 0 21.443 32 40.183 14
t2_pscore -1.126 997 6.646 786 0 -0.17 0.865 -14.154 68 11.900 69
_cons 34.316 52 1.884 487 0 18.21 0 30.622 93 38.010 11
Regression Analysis Estimation for Models
Coefficient Std.err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
h1 t3 2.357 703 0.380 903 2 6.19 0 1.611 134 3.104 273
t3_sq -0.583 849 2 0.182 166 9 -3.21 0.001 -0.940 896 -0.226 802 4
pscore -5.143 949 0.373 784 5 -13.76 0 -5.876 566 -4.411 332
pscore_sq 5.129 859 0.593 166 6 8.65 0 3.967 254 6.292 464
t3_pscore -0.524 847 3 0.560 199 0 -0.94 0.349 -1.622 836 0.573 141 5
_cons 7.923 871 0.081 203 8 97.58 0 7.764 712 8.083 031
h2 t3 1.924 248 0.318 200 6 6.05 0 1.300 575 2.547 920
t3_sq -0.907 722 4 0.152 179 4 -5.96 0 -1.205 994 -0.609 451
pscore -4.658 286 0.312 253 8 -14.92 0 -5.270 302 -4.046 269
pscore_sq 4.614 590 0.495 522 2 9.31 0 3.643 367 5.585 812
t3_pscore 0.532 064 2 0.467 981 5 1.14 0.256 -0.385 178 7 1.449 307
_cons 6.254 135 0.067 836 4 92.19 0 6.121 176 6.387 095
h3 t3 189.713 2 7.013 276 0 27.05 0 175.967 2 203.459 2
t3_sq -80.151 14 3.354 099 0 -23.90 0 -86.725 17 -73.577 12
pscore -42.341 10 6.882 204 0 -6.15 0 -55.830 21 -28.851 99
pscore_sq 141.152 7 10.921 520 12.92 0 119.746 5 162.558 8
t3_pscore -264.763 0 10.314 510 -25.67 0 -284.979 5 -244.546 6
_cons 19.957 74 1.495 142 0 13.35 0 17.027 26 22.888 21
Regression Analysis Estimation for Models
Relationship Between Interdisciplinarity and Publication Volume, h-Index and Average Citations per Article
Relationship Between Interdisciplinarity Publications and Publications Volume, h-Index, and Average Citations per Article
Relationship Between Interdisciplinarity Collaboration and Publications volume, h-Index, and Average Citations per Article
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