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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2023, Vol. 7 Issue (11): 37-45    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2022.0949
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Analyzing Text Sentiments Based on Patch Attention and Involution
Lin Zhe(),Chen Pinghua
School of Computer Science and Technology, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China
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[Objective] Once the width of the convolution kernel is the same as the dimension of the word vector, the convolution layer will have too many parameters. The sparse connection of convolution operation, the spatial invariance, and the channel specificity of convolution are not suitable for text tasks. This paper will address these issues. [Methods] We proposed a sentiment analysis model for texts based on patch attention mechanism and Involution. The model first transformed the single-word vector after word segmentation and transformed the one-dimensional word vector into n×n word matrix blocks. Then, we spliced the word matrix blocks of multiple words in the sentence into a sentence matrix. Third, the patch attention mechanism layer enhanced the sentence matrix’s context relevance and position order information of text features. Fourth, we used the involution with spatial specificity and channel invariance to extract the sentence matrix features. Finally, we used the full connection layer for text sentiment classification. [Results] We examined the proposed model with three public data sets waimai_10k, IMDB, and Tweet. Its classification precision reached 88.47%, 86.22%, and 94.42%, respectively, which were 6.47%, 7.72%, 9.35% and 1.07%, 1.01%, 0.59% higher than Bi-LSTM model in word vector convolution network and recurrent neural network. [Limitations] The classification accuracy of this model on large datasets is not as high as on small and medium-sized datasets. [Conclusions] The proposed model solves the problems of excessive parameters, sparse connection of convolution operation, spatial invariance, and channel specificity of convolution, which yield better performance than the traditional convolution models.

Key wordsText Emotion Analysis      Word Vector Deformation      Patch Attention      Involution     
Received: 09 September 2022      Published: 28 March 2023
ZTFLH:  TP393 G350  
Fund:Guangdong Provincial Key R&D Programme(2020B0101100001);Guangdong Provincial Key R&D Programme(2021B0101200002)
Corresponding Authors: Lin Zhe,ORCID:0000-0003-0894-5159,。   

Cite this article:

Lin Zhe, Chen Pinghua. Analyzing Text Sentiments Based on Patch Attention and Involution. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2023, 7(11): 37-45.

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Patch Attention Block
数据集 语言 正向评价 负向评价 中性评价
waimai_10k 中文 4 000 8 000 0
IMDB 英文 12 500 12 500 0
Tweet 2 363 9 178 3 099
Involution核个数 32
Involution核大小 3×3
激活函数 tanh
Dropout rate 0.5
Batchsize 100
Epoch 15
The Parameter Settings of Experiment
模型 waimai_10k IMDB Tweet
P/% R/% F1/% P/% R/% F1/% P/% R/% F1/%
TextCNN 82.00 82.00 82.00 78.50 78.50 78.50 85.07 85.07 85.07
RCNN 87.07 87.37 87.22 85.02 84.55 84.68 92.51 92.64 92.57
GRU 87.40 87.40 87.40 85.30 85.30 85.30 92.78 92.78 92.78
LSTM 87.25 87.25 87.25 84.71 84.71 84.71 92.07 92.07 92.07
Bi-LSTM 87.40 87.40 87.40 85.21 85.21 85.21 93.83 93.83 93.83
ATT-LSTM 87.42 87.42 87.42 84.98 84.98 84.98 92.90 92.90 92.90
PATT-CNN 87.50 87.50 87.50 85.30 85.30 85.30 94.00 94.00 94.00
PATT-INN 88.47 88.47 88.47 86.22 86.22 86.22 94.42 94.42 94.42
The Result of Multi-model Experiments
模型 卷积层/Involution层参数量
TextCNN 24 768
ATT-CNN 24 768
RCNN 18 496
The Result of the Second Experiment
模型 P/% R/% F1/%
PATT-CNN 85.30 85.30 85.30
PATT-INN 86.22 86.22 86.22
The Result of the Third Experiment
模型 P/% R/% F1/%
INN 84.58 84.58 84.58
PATT-INN 86.22 86.22 86.22
The Result of the Fourth Experiment
消融实验 P/% R/% F1/%
无变形层 85.58 85.58 85.58
有变形层 86.22 86.22 86.22
The Result of the Fifth Experiment
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