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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2023, Vol. 7 Issue (10): 95-108    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2022.0891
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Examining Topics and Sentiments of Chronic Disease Patients’ Online Reviews — Case Study of “Sweet Homeland”
Yu Jiaqi1,2,Zhao Doudou1,Liu Rui1()
1School of Information Management, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China
2Hubei Normal University Library, Huangshi 435002, China
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[Objective] This paper constructs a model for topic-sentiment collaborative mining, aiming to understand chronic disease patients at different stages better. [Methods] First, we added sentiment and time features to the LDA model to create the new dUTSU (dynamic unsupervised topic and sentiment unification) model. Then, we retrieved posts by diabetes patients from an online health community. Finally, we assessed the dUTSU model’s performance with the topic-sentiment analysis and the topic-sentiment evolution analysis. [Results] The dUTSU model had better perplexity, average topic similarity, and sentiment classification accuracy than the JST, ASUM, and UTSU models. The model identified 15 topics and captured trending topics, sentiment, and intensity across seven distinct periods, including the disease diagnosis stage and the complication stage. The model also revealed the topic-sentiment evolution over time. [Limitations] The experiment only used the diabetics reviews. We did not consider patients’ geographical locations, personal attributes, and social relationships. [Conclusions] The dUTSU model could effectively extract topic-sentiment data collaboratively reviews from patients with chronic diseases. The findings can serve as valuable references for online health communities, medical institutions, and patients to carry out health services.

Key wordsOnline Health Community      Joint Topic-Sentiment Model      Evolution Analysis      Chronic Disease     
Received: 24 August 2022      Published: 28 March 2023
ZTFLH:  G350  
Fund:National Social Science Fund of China(22&ZD324)
Corresponding Authors: Liu Rui,ORCID:0000-0002-5450-4947,。   

Cite this article:

Yu Jiaqi, Zhao Doudou, Liu Rui. Examining Topics and Sentiments of Chronic Disease Patients’ Online Reviews — Case Study of “Sweet Homeland”. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2023, 7(10): 95-108.

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Dynamic Unsupervised Topic and Sentiment Unification Model
Perplexity Index Results Under Different Topics
Classification Accuracy
主题标签 部分主题词 主题类目
1 糖尿病、引发、病因、问题、体质、原因、情绪、习惯、熬夜、进食 病因咨询
2 糖尿病、血糖、患者、知识、控糖、空腹、胰岛素、指南、必备、分享 知识共享
3 血糖、控制、运动、降糖、健康、跑步、坚持、减肥、加油、锻炼 血糖控制
4 危害、身体、并发症、影响、视力、病变、健康、低血糖、波动、肾病 疾病危害
5 手术、治疗、需要、切除、胃流转、愈合、减重、患者、后遗症、恢复 手术咨询
6 吃药、胰岛素、减量、二甲双胍、剂量、副作用、稳定、价格、区别、损害 药物服用
7 检查、指标、糖化、结果、分泌、报告、糖耐量、异常、生化、血红蛋白 疾病检查
8 医院、糖尿病、看病、医生、专家、治疗、预约、医保、检查、报销 就医指导
9 治疗、医生、用药、方案、药物、患者、临床、重要、研究、有效 治疗方案及研究
10 糖尿病、前期、多久、并发症、发展、确诊、时间、病情、最终、延缓 疾病发展阶段
11 糖尿病、并发、预防、高血压、检查、发现、提前、低血糖、缓解、早期 疾病预防
12 早餐、吃饭、主食、空腹、米饭、血糖、脂肪、晚饭、牛奶、加餐 饮食
13 神经病变、并发症、症状、视力、典型、模糊、糖尿病足、疼痛、导致、 疾病症状咨询
14 血糖仪、试纸、馒头、强生、对比、血糖值、标准、指数、达标、不错 血糖仪产品
15 糖尿病、先天、遗传、孩子、基因、家族、发病、亲属、怀孕、几率 疾病遗传
Topic Generation Results
Topic-Sentiment Probability Distribution
积极情感 消极情感
主题3 主题9 主题14 主题6 主题7 主题13
血糖 治疗 血糖仪 吃药 检查 神经病变
控制 医生 试纸 胰岛素 指标 并发症
运动 用药 馒头 减量 糖化 症状
降糖 方案 强生 二甲双胍 结果 视力
健康 药物 对比 剂量 分泌 典型
跑步 患者 血糖值 副作用 报告 模糊
坚持 临床 标准 稳定 糖耐量 糖尿病足
减肥 重要 指数 价格 异常 疼痛
加油 研究 达标 区别 生化 导致
锻炼 有效 不错 损害 血红蛋白 引起
<Topic,Sentiment> Pair of Words
Evolution of Positive Sentiment Intensity
High-Frequency Keywords Changes of Topic 3 over Time
Evolution of Negative Sentiment Intensity
High-Frequency Keywords Changes of Topic 13 over Time

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(+) 血糖控制 1.84 2.27 2.04 1.71 1.65 1.57 1.72
治疗方案及研究 1.14 1.39 1.46 1.30 1.51 1.64 2.06
血糖仪产品 1.39 1.06 1.16 1.22 1.07 1.00 1.11
(-) 药物服用 1.47 1.60 1.32 1.39 1.32 1.59 1.71
疾病检查 1.62 1.12 1.00 1.59 1.62 1.03 1.00
症状咨询 1.81 1.26 1.40 1.78 2.07 1.93 1.76
Sentiment Intensity Normalization
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