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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2024, Vol. 8 Issue (2): 155-167    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2022.1225
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Predicting Drug-Target Relationship Based on Relation Fusion and Bidirectional Mass Diffusion Model
Zhang Yunqiu(),Huang Qifei,Zhu Xiang
School of Public Health, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, China
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[Objective] This study proposes a new method to predict the relationship between drugs and targets to improve the prediction performance. [Methods] Firstly, we used the SNF, AVG, and MAX methods to fuse multiple semantic relationships in drug and target similarity networks, which further enriched the semantic information of the networks. Then, we constructed a bidirectional diffusion model based on the fused similarity networks and the existing drug-target interaction network to predict the drug-target relationship. [Results] Compared with mainstream forecasting models, our method's AUC value index improved by 2.2% and 12.8%. With a retrospective study, the prediction scores ranked in the top 10, 20, and 30 drug-target relationship pairs, and clues and evidence related to 3, 8, and 11 drug-target pairs could be found in the literature. The SNF had the best fusion effect and maximized the prediction. [Limitations] We did not fuse similarities in objective attributes of drugs or targets, such as the chemical structure of drugs or sequence structure similarities of targets. The cold start problem in the relationship between new drugs and new targets still needs to be solved. [Conclusions] The prediction method proposed in this study could provide some references for the research on drug repositioning and relationship prediction of other biomedical entities.

Key wordsDrug      Target      Machine Learning      SNF     
Received: 18 November 2022      Published: 28 March 2023
ZTFLH:  R96  
Fund:Humanities and Social Science Planning Project of Ministry of Education(18YJA870017)
Corresponding Authors: Zhang Yunqiu,ORCID:0000-0002-9790-9581,。   

Cite this article:

Zhang Yunqiu, Huang Qifei, Zhu Xiang. Predicting Drug-Target Relationship Based on Relation Fusion and Bidirectional Mass Diffusion Model. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2024, 8(2): 155-167.

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Detailed Architecture of Method
Relationship Fusion Process
Detailed Architecture of DTBMD
节点类型 来源 数量 边类型及数量
药物 DrugBank 708 药物-药物(10 036)
药物-靶标(1 923)
靶标 HPRD 1512 靶标-靶标(7 363)
疾病 CTD 5603 药物-疾病(199 214)
靶标-疾病(1 596 745)
Statistics of Nodes and Edges
ROC Curves of DTBMD with Different Similarity Fusion Methods
ROC Curves of Different Drug-Target Relationship Prediction Methods
排名 药物 靶标 PMID 具体描述
7 阿米替林 DRD2 22507762 阿米替林可上调DRD2[37]
8 氯氮平 COX-2 24768740 氯氮平治疗会引起环加氧酶-2表达增加[38]
9 喹硫平 Ptgs2 19587612 喹硫平会显著改变Ptgs2基因的表达[39]
11 氯氮平 SLC6A4 34082673 编码5-羟色胺转运蛋白的SLC6A4基因的rs1800532多态性可能与自杀易感性以及对锂和氯氮平的不良反应相关[40]
12 喹硫平 5-HTTLPR 27277475 对抗抑郁药喹硫平治疗反应的预测价值可能受到MDD中5-HTTLPR多态性的影响[41]
13 阿米替林 GABAA 31940131 阿米替林的内感受作用取决于 GABAA受体的功能活性[42]
18 氯氮平 SLC6A2 26282453 SLC6A2与氯氮平的治疗反应有关[43]
19 喹硫平 SLC6A2 29016993 去甲硫平的去甲肾上腺素转运蛋白占用可能是喹硫平抗抑郁作用的因素之一[44]
23 阿立哌唑 COX-2 29241811 阿立哌唑可抑制环加氧酶-2的mRNA表达水平[45]
25 奥氮平 SLC6A4 33432189 遗传和功能分析显示,奥氮平直接靶向SLC6A4[46]
27 阿立哌唑 SLC6A4 17242925 阿立哌唑与5-羟色胺相互作用[47]
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