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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2023, Vol. 7 Issue (12): 75-87    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2022.1147
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RMB Exchange Rate Forecasting Driven by Cross-Market and Cross-Source Sentiment Analysis
Cao Wei1,Liao Chenyue1,Zhang Fuwei2()
1School of Economics, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230601, China
2School of Management, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230601, China
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[Objective] This study aims to introduce cross-market and cross-source sentiment analysis into the RMB exchange rate forecasting model to improve the performance. [Methods] We built a CCSA-DL model for fusing cross-market and cross-source sentiment analysis. First, we used a BERT-TextCNN model to extract deep sentiment features from China and the United States respectively. Then, we shared them with LSTM-based deep features of exchange rate time series to achieve deep fusion, based on which exchange rate forecasting is realized with the help of SVM model. [Results] Compared with the baseline model, the CCSA-DL model achieved optimal performance in predicting indicators and economic returns. Especially compared with the LSTM prediction model, there was an average improvement of about 16.77% in the three evaluation indicators. [Limitations] The source of sentiment analysis data needs to be further expanded and optimized. [Conclusions] The CCSA-DL model with cross-market and cross-source sentiment analysis has better exchange rate forecasting performance and economic returns.

Key wordsRMB Exchange Rate Forecasting      Cross-Market and Cross-Source Sentiment Analysis      Deep Learning     
Received: 02 November 2022      Published: 12 September 2023
ZTFLH:  F832  
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(71801072);Hefei University of Technology Project for Young Teachers’ Research and Innovation,the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(JZ2020HGQA0181)
Corresponding Authors: Zhang Fuwei,ORCID:0009-0002-6193-6669,。   

Cite this article:

Cao Wei, Liao Chenyue, Zhang Fuwei. RMB Exchange Rate Forecasting Driven by Cross-Market and Cross-Source Sentiment Analysis. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2023, 7(12): 75-87.

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Design Diagram of CCSA-DL Model
Diagram of BERT-TextCNN Model
数据来源 账号类型 账号名 主页网址
中国市场(新浪微博) 官方媒体 央视财经
个人账号 付鹏的财经世界
美国市场(Twitter) 官方媒体 Bloomberg
The Wall Street Journal
个人账号 Bespoke
tae kim
Matthew C. Klein
Source of Emotional Information in Text
账号名称 时间 发布内容
Bloomberg 2019-10-6 Exxon Mobil is making its biggest-ever bet on Africa.Mozambique Says Exxon to Approve Giant LNG Project.Mozambique’s government said Exxon Mobil Corp. will sign off on an initial investment decision for a liquefied natural gas project that could cost as much as $33 billion to build -- the biggest ever...
Bloomberg 2019-10-6 President Trump tweets #ImpeachMittRomney after GOP senator’s criticism.Trump Slams Romney for Criticism as Third GOP Senator Chimes In.Donald Trump spent part of Saturday tweeting about Senator Mitt Romney after the Republican lawmaker criticized the president’s calls for China and Ukraine to investigate political rival Joe Biden,...
Bloomberg 2019-10-6 GM and the UAW have moved closer to a deal to end the strike.GM and UAW Near Deal to End Strike as Pay Issues Remain.General Motors Co. and the United Auto Workers moved closer to a deal that would end the strike that’s divided them for almost three weeks.
…… …… ……
央视财经 2017-12-21 人民币中间价大涨:在岸涨近200点,离岸涨逾150点突破6.55
央视财经 2017-12-21 中央经济工作会议透露重要信号,“高质量发展”一词至关重要!
央视财经 2017-12-21 央行公开市场今日净回笼100亿元 800亿元逆回购到期
…… …… ……
Example of Text Emotional Information
The Trend of the USD to RMB Exchange Rate
模型 参数名称 参数值
LSTM units 16
dropout 0.3
epochs 20
batch_size 32
TextCNN filters 128,128,128
kernel_size 3,4,5
dropout 0.3
epochs 12
batch_size 32
SVM gamma scale
C 1.0
decision_function_shape ovr
kernel poly
degree 5
Model Parameter Settings
模型 汇率历史数据 新浪微博官方媒体 新浪微博个人投资者 Twitter官方媒体 Twitter个人投资者
LSTM × × × ×
CCSA-DL-Official × ×
CCSA-DL-Nonofficial × ×
Model Settings
模型 Acc F1 AUC
LSTM 54.00% 51.95% 52.39%
CCSA-DL-US 58.33% 57.46% 57.46%
CCSA-DL-CHN 58.00% 53.43% 55.29%
CCSA-DL-Official 58.67% 57.17% 57.33%
CCSA-DL-Nonofficial 58.00% 56.25% 56.51%
CCSA-DL 62.00% 61.44% 61.42%
Comparison of Model Prediction Results
The Trend Curve of the USD to RMB
时间 模型 Acc F1 AUC
爆发前 LSTM 55.33% 55.28% 0.553 6
CCSA-DL-US 64.00% 63.05% 0.632 1
CCSA-DL-CHN 56.67% 54.46% 0.554 5
CCSA-DL-Official 56.00% 55.87% 0.558 9
CCSA-DL-Nonofficial 64.00% 63.47% 0.634 8
CCSA-DL 66.00% 65.32% 0.653 6
爆发后 LSTM 56.00% 55.93% 0.559 3
CCSA-DL-US 60.00% 59.89% 0.598 8
CCSA-DL-CHN 58.00% 57.16% 0.575 3
CCSA-DL-Official 60.00% 59.89% 0.598 8
CCSA-DL-Nonofficial 57.33% 56.01% 0.567 3
CCSA-DL 64.00% 62.70% 0.633 5
Model Prediction Results Before and After the COVID-19
模型 年化收益率/% 夏普比率 最终持有金额/
LSTM 2.51 -2.37 1.03
CCSA-DL-US 8.30 1.65 1.10
CCSA-DL-CHN 6.45 1.30 1.08
CCSA-DL-Official 1.67 -3.32 1.02
CCSA-DL-Nonofficial 9.85 1.80 1.12
CCSA-DL 11.30 1.86 1.14
Performance of Strategy Returns Based on Predicted Results
Trend of Holding Amount for Each Model
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