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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2023, Vol. 7 Issue (10): 109-118    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2022.0915
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Extracting Value Elements and Constructing Index System for Calligraphy Works Based on Hyperplane-BERT-Louvain Optimized LDA Model
Pan Xiaoyu1,Ni Yuan2,3(),Jin Chunhua2,Zhang Jian2,3
1Computer School, Beijing Information Science & Technology University,Beijing 100192, China
2School of Economics & Management, Beijing Information Science & Technology University, Beijing 100192, China
3Beijing Key Laboratory of Big Data Decision Making for Green Development, Beijing 100192, China
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[Objective] This paper uses big data and artificial intelligence to identify the value elements of calligraphy works and provides technical support for their trading activities. It addresses the issue of lacking standards in the assessment of calligraphy works. [Methods] First, we combined the hyperplane algorithm and BERT model to preprocess calligraphy documents by eliminating stop words and expanding semantics to create an optimized corpus with high recognition. Secondly, we constructed a complex semantic network for calligraphy literature and introduced the Louvain algorithm to determine the optimal number of topics by maximizing the modularity of the community network. Finally, we developed a new method based on “Hyperplane-Bert-Louvain-LDA” (HBL-LDA) to construct an assessment index system of calligraphy value. [Results] Compared with LDA, the precision and F value of the topic recognition of the HBL-LDA were increased by 45.00% and 29.46%, respectively. The average topic quality rate was reduced by 0.96, with more high-quality topics identified. We also used regression models to verify the evaluation index system with representative calligraphy works, with the highest accuracy rate of 84.00%. [Limitations] This paper only constructed an evaluation system for calligraphy works, which cannot be applied to other artworks. The BERT model lacks the topic semantic information, which makes it challenging to expand similar feature words. [Conclusions] The new model for calligraphy value evaluation proposed in this paper provides new directions for constructing index systems in other fields.

Key wordsEvaluation Index System      LDA      Field Stop Words      Louvain      BERT     
Received: 29 August 2022      Published: 20 December 2023
ZTFLH:  TP391  
Fund:Young Scientist Project of National Key R&D Program(2021YFF0900200)
Corresponding Authors: Ni Yuan,ORCID:0000-0002-0600-2619,E-mail:。   

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Pan Xiaoyu, Ni Yuan, Jin Chunhua, Zhang Jian. Extracting Value Elements and Constructing Index System for Calligraphy Works Based on Hyperplane-BERT-Louvain Optimized LDA Model. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2023, 7(10): 109-118.

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维度结构 指标维度 文献来源
三维度 形象张力、文化内涵、审美情趣 张志强等[19]
思想价值、艺术价值、学术价值 赵长青[20]
四维度 哲学观念价值、审美认同价值、
Summary of Evaluation Index System of Calligraphy Value
优化内容 方法 特点
主题数确定 人工设置 随意性较大
基于困惑度和相似度指标确定[24] 选取的主题数偏大、噪声主题多、主题间交叉性大[25]
自动确定[26] 算法效果提升明显,算法复杂度高、效率低
停用词筛选 静态的通用停用词和基于规则的方法[27] 忽略掉不同领域的专属停用词
词频统计、文档频率、辅助集[28] 容易将高区分度词语剔除,导致模型的关键特征减少,泛化能力降低
语义增强 Word2Vec 受窗口大小限制,不能获得整个句子的信息
BERT 产生动态词向量,表达词语的丰富含义
Research on Topic Number Choice, Stop Word Filtering and Semantic Enhancement
The Framework of Construction and Verification of Evaluation Index System
Schematic Diagram Based on Similar Feature Word Expansion
数据集的类型 主题 文本量
目标集 书法 5 362
辅助集1 绘画 5 362
电影 5 362
辅助集2 医学 5 362
科技 5 362
The Data Distribution of Target and Auxiliary Sets
模型 主题数 领域停用词过滤和相似特征词扩充 T e x t r a c t T c o r r e c t T s t a n d a r d 查准率/% 查全率/% F值/%
LDA 55 32 8 11 25.00 72.72 37.20
HB-LDA 55 34 9 11 26.47 81.81 39.99
L-LDA 10 10 6 11 60.00 54.54 57.13
HBL-LDA 10 10 7 11 70.00 63.63 66.66
The Results of Topic Extraction by Different Models
主题编号 主题词 主题 TQR
1 理论观念、碑学、方法、关系、书论、问题、概念、体系、方式 创作理念 8.02
2 部分、文学学术、书学、篆书成就、学者、论文、题跋诗歌 语言造诣 7.89
3 墓志书风、书法作品、书法家书法史、书家、地位、问题、文章、探究 风格特色、作者知名度 7.47
4 风格、作品、笔法篆刻、先生、特点、笔墨用笔线条行书 风格特色、笔法技艺 7.25
5 美学、绘画、精神、书画、文人、生命、中国画、哲学、内涵、人格 精神内涵 7.34
6 教育教学课程小学语文美术、写字、问题、现状、学校 审美教育 7.66
7 社会时代、人们、特色、政治、生活、功能、时期环境、活动 时代背景 7.65
8 碑刻时期石刻文献楷书书体资料史料历代大量 文献史料 7.54
9 设计、形式、运用、元素、内涵、民族、语言、空间融合、视觉 章法布局 7.18
10 书写、汉字、文字、草书字体、特征、传播、结构、方法、形态 字体形态 7.19
The Top10 Keywords and TQR of Topics by LDA Model
主题编号 主题词 主题 TQR
1 部分、学术、总结、成就、论文、全面、基础、学者、产生、重点 作者成就 8.22
2 语文、写字、草书教学课程学校教师学科、评价、素养 审美教育 4.90
3 人们、教育、功能、活动、理念、方式、生活、特色、体系、资源 审美教育 8.69
4 用笔楷书墓志笔法篆刻章法线条、笔者、结构、变化 笔法技艺、章法布局 4.85
5 美学文学精神、方式、意识、角度、层面、基础、系统、因素 精神内涵 9.22
6 文人、笔墨、生命、中国画、哲学、关系、书画、绘画、精神、人格 笔墨技巧、精神内涵 4.98
7 书学、书法作品、经典、书论、书家、书法家书法史、探究、书坛、碑帖 名家经典 4.64
8 碑刻石刻文献资料史料大量、整理、情况、地区、景观 文献史料 8.70
9 理论、社会、时代、观念、背景、代表、现象、核心、观点、个性 时代背景 6.45
10 汉字、设计、语言、民族、元素、传播、融合、运用、字体、形态 文化传播、字体形态 4.93
The Top10 Keywords and TQR of Topics by HBL-LDA Model
一级指标 二级指标 三级指标
文化性 其他著作引用的次数
艺术性 字体的类型
社会价值 传播度 在知网文献、主流新闻及报纸出现的次数
认可度 作者的作品被博物馆收藏的总数
经济价值 投资性 鉴藏印的数量
收藏性 材质的类型
The Evaluation Index System of Calligraphy Value
回归决策树 Bagging回归 随机森林
7∶3 78 66 67
8∶2 78 72 72
9∶1 84 78 72
The Accuracy of Regression Model Prediction
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