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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2024, Vol. 8 Issue (1): 1-15    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2023.1280
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A Review on Methods for Domain Knowledge Evolution Analysis
Li Xuesi1,2,Zhang Zhixiong1,2(),Wang Yufei1,2,Liu Yi1
1National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
2Department of Information Resources Management, School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
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[Objective] Domain knowledge evolution analysis has been a long-standing research topic in the field of Library and Information Science. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the research methods related to the domain knowledge evolution analysis, both nationally and internationally, aiming to offer valuable references for future studies in this area. [Coverage] We conducted searches in CNKI and Web of Science using keywords related to domain knowledge evolution. The search results were manually evaluated and analyzed, and a total of 84 key literatures closely related to the methods of domain knowledge evolution analysis were selected for review. [Methods] By reviewing the research literature, we clarified the relevant concepts of domain knowledge evolution. Based on this, we classified the existing domain knowledge evolution analysis methods into three categories: citation-based, structure-based and content-based. For each category, we first elucidated the theoretical basis, then explained their basic analytical frameworks and highlighted the relevant advances. Finally, we summarized the existing methods of domain knowledge evolution analysis and provided perspectives. [Results] The three categories of existing methods for domain knowledge evolution analysis rely on their respective scientific theories. With the advancement of technology and the improvement of data resources, these methods are continuously deepening and improving the analytical framework for the study of evolution. Although significant research achievements have been made, there has been no breakthrough in the research perspective of knowledge evolution analysis, and the limitations within the current research paradigm remain unresolved. [Limitations] The review analysis was based on selected literature, which may not have comprehensively covered all relevant research. [Conclusions] Based on the summary and analysis of the current research, we believe that the following two directions are worth focusing on in the future research on domain knowledge evolution analysis: first, exploring new entry points for domain knowledge evolution analysis, and second, attempting to integrate existing research methods to improve the limitations of current analytical approaches.

Key wordsDomain Knowledge      Knowledge Evolution      Evolutionary Analysis     
Received: 21 November 2023      Published: 06 February 2024
ZTFLH:  G350  
Fund:Major Program of the National Social Science Fund of China(21&ZD329);NSTL Demonstration Platform for Semantic Content Retrieval and Analysis(2023XM21)
Corresponding Authors: Zhang Zhixiong,ORCID:0000-0003-1596-7487,。   

Cite this article:

Li Xuesi, Zhang Zhixiong, Wang Yufei, Liu Yi. A Review on Methods for Domain Knowledge Evolution Analysis. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2024, 8(1): 1-15.

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引用关系类型 具体思路 代表文献
直接引用关系 综合文献多个特征信息(如文献的出版期刊、发表时间、学科类目)从不同层面量化直接引用引起的知识流动 [8-9]
以文献的特征信息为基础,提出量化知识流动的新指标 [10-11]
改进量化计算方法,提出更加精确的知识流动量计算方式 [12]
共被引关系 基于文献共被引关系计算文献内容相似度,采用聚类等方法挖掘文献之间的潜在关联,通过其时序变化反映领域研究前沿的发展演化 [16???-20]
基于作者共被引关系计算作者相似度,挖掘作者与文献之间以及作者与作者之间潜在关联,并通过其时序变化揭示领域知识结构的发展变化 [24?-26]
耦合关系 基于文献耦合关系计算文献相似度,采用聚类等方法挖掘文献之间的潜在关联,并通过其时序变化揭示领域知识基础的发展演化 [29?-31]
基于作者耦合关系计算作者相似度,挖掘作者与研究主题之间以及作者与作者之间潜在关联,并通过其时序变化分析领域知识结构的演化情况 [34-35]
Studies Related to Domain Knowledge Evolution Analysis Based on Citation Relationships
引用内容的语义信息 具体思路 代表文献
引用主题 确定引用内容的具体范围(引用句或者引用句上下文等),采用聚类或者主题建模等方法挖掘其中的研究主题,根据研究主题在时间序列上的变化分析领域研究内容的演化 [38?-40]
引用功能 制定引用功能的分类方案,并将引文按照引用功能分类,根据引用功能在不同时间段下的分布情况分析科学文献如何通过不同类型的引用构建领域的整体知识 [41?-43]
Studies Related to Domain Knowledge Evolution Analysis Based on Citation Content
具体思路 代表
网络节点 通过节点的度、中介性、中心性等网络指标找出知识网络内的重要节点,然后通过重要节点在时间序列上的变化探究领域知识的演化情况 [50?-52]
网络连边 找出构成知识网络主干架构中的关键路径,结合关键路径中边和节点的时间特征分析领域知识的扩散流动,以此反映领域知识的演化脉络 [53???-57]
网络社团 识别知识网络中的社团结构,通过社团的数量、规模、状态等多个维度在时间序列上的变化分析领域知识的发展变化 [58-59]
识别知识网络中的社团结构,对不同时间段下的社团进行相似度分析,基于相似度结果揭示领域知识演化程度、演化内容以及演化路径等 [60-61]
Studies Related to Domain Knowledge Evolution Analysis Based on Structural Feature
知识网络演化模型 具体思路 代表文献
反映知识网络演化特征的通用演化模型 根据知识网络的幂律分布特征分析网络增长过程中节点和边的演化机制,提出择优连接机制,并根据该机制提出反映知识网络动态演化的模型 [63-64]
根据择优连接机制与真实知识网络演化过程之间的差异,融合节点的结构特征或边的特征对择优连接机制进行改进 [66?-68]
反映不同类型知识网络演化特征的特定演化模型 根据知识网络类型的不同(如共词网络、合作网络等),分析影响网络节点增长的具体因素以及网络演化过程中特定的结构特征,并据此提出不同知识网络的演化模型 [69?-71]
Studies Related to Domain Knowledge Evolution Analysis Based on Evolutionary Models
内容词类型 具体思路 代表文献
作者关键词 构建作者关键词共现矩阵,对矩阵进行解析以获取关键词之间的潜在关系,基于关键词关系在时间轴上的变化情况揭示领域知识演化过程 [75-76]
增补关键词 需要先对增补关键词进行预处理(包括关键词标准化、关键词筛选等),在此基础上构建共现矩阵,基于该矩阵挖掘关键词之间的关联,根据关键词关联的时序变化揭示领域知识演化 [77-78]
Studies Related to Domain Knowledge Evolution Analysis Based on Content Words
研究主题演化 具体思路 代表文献
离散性演化分析 通过文本挖掘获取不同时段内文献的研究主题,对比分析研究主题在不同时间段下名称、数量等方面的变化情况,呈现出一种“离散化”分析的特点 [79?-81]
连续性演化分析 通过文本挖掘获取文献的研究主题,计算不同时段下研究主题的相似度,考察主题之间存在的演化关系,以反映领域知识的演化过程 [82??-85]
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