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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2024, Vol. 8 Issue (5): 113-126    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2023.0506
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Analyzing the Evolution of Internet Public Opinion Based on Short-Video Network
Wei Hongcheng1,Zhu Hengmin1,2(),Wei Jing1,Ye Dongyu1
1School of Management, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210003, China
2Jiangsu University Philosophy and Social Science Key Research Base—Information Industry Integration Innovation and Emergency Management Research Center, Nanjing 210003, China
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[Objective] Short videos have become a new medium for spreading Internet public opinion. In order to reveal the evolution characteristics of Internet public opinion spreading through short videos, a method based on short-video network is proposed. [Methods] First, the similarity of short videos’ titles, covers and video content is calculated to construct a short-video network. Then, we detect topics from the network based on hierarchical clustering, and measure the sentiment of videos’ audios and titles. We also classify video accounts into different categories of stakeholders. Finally, the evolution of public opinion spreading through short videos is analyzed from three dimensions including topics, sentiment and stakeholders. [Results] The results show that the multimodal features of videos and the relationship between videos can be used to effectively describe the evolution of public opinion. And the SSE value of short video topics under the combination of “titles+video covers + video content” is 6.708, which is better than the single modality or combinations of other modalities in the paper. [Limitations] The audios of short videos are crawled from the Douyin platform including background music, and there is a certain deviation for the analysis of audio modality. [Conclusions] The study is helpful to understand the evolution of topics and group emotions in public opinion spreading through short videos, discover the concerns and sentimental evolution of different video accounts, and promptly regulate and guide public opinion.

Key wordsEvolution of Internet Public Opinion      Short-Video Network      Multimodal Features      Stakeholder     
Received: 29 May 2023      Published: 15 March 2024
ZTFLH:  C912  
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(72374111);National Natural Science Foundation of China(71874088);Postgraduate Research and Practice Innovation Project in Jiangsu Province(KYCX22_0876)
Corresponding Authors: Zhu Hengmin,ORCID:0000-0002-9506-8440,。   

Cite this article:

Wei Hongcheng, Zhu Hengmin, Wei Jing, Ye Dongyu. Analyzing the Evolution of Internet Public Opinion Based on Short-Video Network. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2024, 8(5): 113-126.

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Research Framework
Results of Stakeholder Division
Change of the Number of Event Shares
时间切片 起止日期(月.日) 短视频数量(个)
发展期(P1) 1.28-2.15 101
爆发期(P2) 2.16-2.22 176
二次爆发期(P3) 2.23-2.27 584
衰退期(P4) 2.28-3.29 30
Time Slice of the Event
簇1 簇2 簇3 簇20 簇31
Word2Vec 1.371 0.553 1.000 1.952 34.341
Text2Vec 0.411 0.174 1.000 0.600 1.000
SSE of Clusters
模态组合 平均SSE
标题 6.765
封面 8.563
视频内容 26.376
标题+封面+视频内容 6.708
标题+封面+视频内容+音频 10.723
Average SSE in Different Modalities
Clusters after Hierarchical Clustering (Partial)
Distribution of Short-video Networks
Stacking Diagram of Topic Sentiments
Intensity Evolution of Topics
Evolution of Account Types
The Most Concerned Topics of Different Stakeholders
Evolution of the First Three Concerned Topics of Different Stakeholders
Sentiment Evolution of Different Stakeholders’ Core Concerned Topics
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