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数据分析与知识发现  2024, Vol. 8 Issue (4): 137-151
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1中国人民公安大学信息网络安全学院 北京 100038
2北京市朝阳区人民法院 北京 100021
A Graph Convolutional Credit Fraud Detection Model with Spatial-Neighborhood Adaptability
Zhang Lanze1,Zhao Xiaoliang1(),Liu Jintong2,Gu Yijun1
1Department of Information and Network Security, People’s Public Security University of China, Beijing 100038, China
2Beijing Chaoyang District People’s Court, Beijing 100021, China
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【目的】 为信贷欺诈检测提供兼具空间和邻域自适应性的图卷积神经网络模型。【方法】 提出双曲跳跃图卷积神经网络。在空间自适应方面,将节点属性表示为双曲空间可训练曲率,从而完成欺诈网络的低失真嵌入表示;在邻域自适应方面,定义双曲跳跃连接框架(HJK-Net)框架,通过双曲层间聚合机制对邻域表示结果进行融合。从而为关系网络提供融合空间和邻域自适应性的图表示学习结果,进而完成信贷欺诈检测任务。【结果】 通过在公开且来源于实际业务场景的大型社交网络中部署实验,所提模型的AUC指标达到0.833 5,相比于以GraphSAGE(NS)为代表的基线模型提升0.059 4。【局限】 浅层社交网络对邻域自适应性的优势略有限制,所提模型在大型复杂深度网络结构中优势更加明显。【结论】 空间自适应为节点属性相关性提供更准确描述,邻域自适应为图表示学习选择最优的邻域聚合范围;融合空间和邻域自适应的模型在大型欺诈关系网中具备更好的识别效果。

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关键词 图卷积神经网络图表示学习双曲空间空间-邻域自适应性信贷欺诈检测    

[Objective] This paper provides a graph convolutional neural network model with spatial and neighborhood adaptability for credit fraud detection. [Methods] We proposed a Hyperbolic Jumping Connection Graph Convolutional Neural Networks. Regarding spatial adaptability, we represented the node attributes as a trainable curvature in hyperbolic space and completed the low-distortion embedding representation of the fraudulent network. In terms of neighborhood adaptability, we defined a Hyperbolic Jumping Knowledge Networks framework and fused the neighborhood representation results through the hyperbolic inter-layer aggregation mechanism. As a result, we provided the relational network with a graph representation learning result integrating spatial and neighborhood adaptability. Finally, we completed the task of credit fraud detection. [Results] By deploying experiments in a large-scale social network that is publicly available and comes from real business scenarios, the proposed model achieved an AUC of 0.835 5, which was 0.059 4 higher than the baseline model represented by GraphSAGE(NS). [Limitations] The advantages of shallow social networks on neighborhood adaptability are slightly limited, and the advantages of our model are more evident in large-scale complex deep network structures. [Conclusions] Spatial adaptation provides a more accurate description of node attribute correlations, and neighborhood adaptation selects the optimal neighborhood aggregation range for graph representation learning. The proposed model has a better identification effect in large-scale fraud relationship networks.

Key wordsGraph Convolutional Neural Networks    Graph Representation Learning    Hyperbolic Space    Spatial and Neighborhood Adaptability    Credit Fraud Detection
收稿日期: 2023-03-16      出版日期: 2024-01-08
ZTFLH:  TP393  
基金资助:* 中国人民公安大学基本科研业务费项目(2021JKF420)
通讯作者: 赵晓亮,E-mail:。   
张岚泽, 赵晓亮, 刘津彤, 顾益军. 基于空间-邻域自适应的图卷积神经网络信贷欺诈检测模型*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2024, 8(4): 137-151.
Zhang Lanze, Zhao Xiaoliang, Liu Jintong, Gu Yijun. A Graph Convolutional Credit Fraud Detection Model with Spatial-Neighborhood Adaptability. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2024, 8(4): 137-151.
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Fig.1  节点位置与感受野
Fig.2  欧式空间图嵌入失真
Fig.3  双曲跳跃图卷积神经网络
Fig.4  双曲聚合运算
Fig.5  HJK-Net框架
Fig.6  图属性描述
Fig.7  NeighborSampler取样模式
Fig.8  逐层信息聚合
模型 AUC Precision(宏平均) Recall(宏平均) F1(宏平均)
MLP 0.719 2 0.508 9 0.657 2 0.573 6
GCN 0.707 8 0.510 0 0.646 9 0.570 3
GAT(NS) 0.733 3 0.511 2 0.613 9 0.557 9
GraphSAGE 0.762 1 0.511 6 0.680 4 0.584 1
GraphSAGE(NS) 0.776 1 0.513 2 0.638 5 0.569 0
JK-GCN-Max 0.779 1 0.512 2 0.703 8 0.592 9
HGCN 0.779 8 0.512 1 0.708 3 0.594 4
HJ-GCN-Concat 0.832 8 0.515 8 0.763 2 0.615 6
HJ-GCN-Maxpooling 0.835 5 0.516 6 0.767 7 0.617 6
Table 1  模型性能对比
消融模块 AUC Precision Recall F1
UCA-Concat 0.820 2 0.516 4 0.747 1 0.610 7
UCA-Maxpooling 0.819 5 0.514 1 0.749 4 0.609 9
UNA 0.819 8 0.514 6 0.746 6 0.609 4
UHA-Concat 0.812 8 0.513 6 0.741 4 0.592 6
UHA-Maxpooling 0.816 2 0.515 0 0.747 8 0.609 9
UBI-Concat 0.792 4 0.513 1 0.728 5 0.602 1
UBI-Maxpooling 0.790 2 0.512 4 0.724 2 0.600 2
HJ-GCN-Concat 0.832 8 0.515 8 0.763 2 0.615 6
HJ-GCN-Maxpooling 0.835 5 0.516 6 0.767 7 0.617 6
Table 2  消融实验结果对比
K HConcat AUC/% HMaxpooling AUC /% 子图节点规模
NS 81.97 81.72 batch 256
1~2 82.96±0.05 83.14±0.06 6.95万~16.30万
3~5 83.28±0.04 83.55±0.05 29.06万~64.54万
Table 3  K-Hop结果对比
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