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数据分析与知识发现  2024, Vol. 8 Issue (4): 76-87
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1南京大学信息管理学院 南京 210023
2南京大学中国南海研究协同创新中心 南京 210023
Automatic Multi-Label Classification of South China Sea Maps Based on AlexNet Model
Qi Xiaoying1,2(),Li Hanyu1,Yang Haiping1,2
1School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
2Collaborative Innovation Center of South China Sea Studies, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
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【目的】 实现地图的多重语义分类,满足地图精准检索与情报分析的需求。【方法】 设计地图类目体系,提出地图多标签分类策略,基于AlexNet卷积神经网络分类模型实现南海地图多标签自动分类。【结果】 南海地图多标签自动分类模型的F1值为0.979,模型能够有效实现南海地图的多标签自动分类。【局限】 多标签标注数据集的深层次类目有待补充。【结论】 研究内容为基于语义的地图科学分类、精准检索与跨类关联提供了参考。

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关键词 地图图像多标签分类AlexNet模型南海    

[Objective] This paper aims to achieve multi-semantic classification of maps and meet the needs for precise map retrieval and intelligence analysis. [Methods] We designed a map category system and proposed a multi-label map classification strategy. It realized the automatic classification of South China Sea maps based on the AlexNet convolution neural network classification model. [Results] The F1 value of the proposed model is 0.979. This model can effectively realize the multi-label automatic classification of the South China Sea maps. [Limitations] The deep categories of multi-label annotated datasets need to be supplemented. [Conclusions] This paper provides a reference for the semantic-based scientific classification of maps, precise retrieval, and cross-category association.

Key wordsMap    Image    Multi-label Classification    AlexNet Model    South China Sea
收稿日期: 2023-02-09      出版日期: 2024-01-08
ZTFLH:  G350  
基金资助:* 国家社会科学基金重大项目(19ZDA347)
通讯作者: 齐小英,ORCID:0000-0002-2109-6975,E-mail:。   
齐小英, 李晗语, 杨海平. 基于AlexNet模型的南海地图多标签自动分类研究*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2024, 8(4): 76-87.
Qi Xiaoying, Li Hanyu, Yang Haiping. Automatic Multi-Label Classification of South China Sea Maps Based on AlexNet Model. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2024, 8(4): 76-87.
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Fig.1  研究框架
Fig.2  基于内容的地图类目体系
Fig.3  基于形态的地图类目体系
MapID MapGenre MapURL
MF18000336 K992|K996 https://map-2000-1314185316.../MF.../...jpg
MF17000322 K992|K996|P982 https://map-2000-1314185316.../MF.../...jpg
MF18000290 K993|K996|P983|P986 https://map-2000-1314185316.../MF.../...jpg
MF19000095 K993|K994|K996|P983|P984|P986 https://map-2000-1314185316.../MF.../...jpg
Table 1  标注样本示例
Fig.4  AlexNet网络结构
Fig.5  多标签分类算法流程
分类值真实值 分类值(正例) 分类值(反例)
真实值(正例) TP(真正例) FN(假反例)
真实值(反例) FP(假正例) TN(真反例)
Table 2  评价指标
Fig.6  自动分类的精确率与召回率
Fig.7  自动分类的F1值与损失率
类别 序号 地图编号 正确分类项 未正确分类项
全部标签正确分类 1 MF15000011 K991|P981 NULL
2 MF15000016 K993|K994 NULL
3 MF15000027 K993|P983 NULL
4 MF19000187 K992|P982 NULL
5 MF19000193 K993 NULL
全部标签未正确分类 1 MF15000006 K993|K994|K995|P983|P985 未分类出P984
Table 3  多标签分类测试结果(部分)
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