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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (4): 82-96    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.0886
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Constructing Knowledge Graph for Business Environment
Liu Kan(),Xu Qinya,Yu Lu
School of Information and Safety Engineering, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073,China
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[Objective] This paper builds knowledge graph for business environment to improve the utilization of resources, aiming to discover the internal entity relationship of development factors, and analyze government decision-making. [Methods] We constructed the knowledge graph based on business environment policy of Beijing, and proposed a knowledge extraction method integrating dependency syntax analysis and semantic role annotation. Then, we constructed a combined classifier to identify entity relationship triples, calculate semantic similarity, as well as perform relationship name fusion and alignment. We also designed an experiment to explore the performance of trans R model in different link prediction tasks. Finally, we identified the main influencing factors and used adjustment strategies to complete knowledge reasoning. [Results] The newly constructed knowledge graph contains 31,955 entities, 1,847 relationships and 45,682 triples. The data was stored and visualized with Neo4j and Gephi, which also supported knowledge query using cypher statement. [Limitations] Due to the complex context information, more research is needed to build a model for unclear entities to improve the performance of knowledge extraction and the quality of knowledge graph triples. [Conclusions] Our new knowledge graph could help to build an effective Q&A system, and improve the government decision-making to optimize business environment.

Key wordsBusiness Environment      Knowledge Graph      Knowledge Extraction      Relationship Alignment      Link Prediction     
Received: 23 August 2021      Published: 12 May 2022
ZTFLH:  TP391  
Fund:Cross-disciplinary Innovative Research Project Funded by the Fundamental Research Funds of the Central Universities(2722020JX007);Postgraduate Practical Innovation Project of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law(202151420)
Corresponding Authors: Liu Kan,ORCID:0000-0002-9686-9768     E-mail:

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Liu Kan, Xu Qinya, Yu Lu. Constructing Knowledge Graph for Business Environment. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(4): 82-96.

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Business Environment Data Collection
Construction Process of Business Environment Knowledge Graph
标签 含义
A0 施事
A1 受事
A2 影响范围
A3 动作开始
A4 动作结束
A5 其他动词相关
Core Semantic Roles
Example of Semantic Role Labeling
Example of Dependency Parsing
模型 精确率 召回率 F-score
MLP 0.841 0.854 0.848
SVM 0.787 0.906 0.843
FastText 0.796 0.867 0.830
组合模型 0.817 0.901 0.857
Experimental Results of Each Classification Model
Combined Model Classifier
序号 三元组
1 (人防部门,提出,人防工程设计条件)
2 (市区住房城乡建设部门,建立,企业违反承诺失信信息记载台账)
3 (施工单位,提交,工程项目安全生产标准化自评材料)
4 (市商务局, 申请, 投资补助)
5 (当事人, 办理, 动产担保业务)
6 (市住房城乡建设委, 发布, 资料清单)
Knowledge Screening Results (Part)
融合前 融合后
反馈,反馈向,反馈至,反馈给 反馈
提升,提高,增强,提高对,提高到,提升至 提升
实施,实施根据,实施对,实施依照,实施将,实施在,实施向,实施至 实施
Comparative Examples of Relationship Alignment
Knowledge Embedding Graph
模型 参数名称 参数值
Trans R 嵌入维度 500
迭代次数 200
边距超参数 4.0
负采样方法 概率抽样
负采样数量 25
学习率 0.001
Model Parameter Setting
Influence of Different Factors on the Effect of Business Environment Link Prediction
The Effect of Negative Sampling Method and Quantity on Business Environment Link Prediction
头实体 关系 预测结果
质量安全监督机构 相关 市住房城乡建设委;各区住建部门;申请资料
市住房城乡建设委 公布 本市保障安全施工资料清单;资料清单;电话
北京市公共资源交易建设工程分平台 相关 运行情况报告;施工内容;行政审批电子文件归档
Link Prediction Results
Business Environment Knowledge Graph
Business Environment Knowledge Graph (Part)
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